Author Michael Bridges

Michael Bridges

I am a self confessed technology geek, and love teaching people new things. I think it is a real shame that so many people carry around such wonderfully capable devices yet do nothing but the basics on them. Computers, laptops tablets and smart phones can do much more than most people know. I would like to guide, reassure and educate people in using their technology to add to their lives I have been playing, yes playing, with technology for as long as I can remember and I still do that today! Admittedly these days with other commitments I do have to watch what I spend as technology can burn a very deep hole and quickly! As my parents will testify, I have always been inquisitive! even if it meant taking something apart to see how it worked. Of course not knowing how to put it back together again! To this day I love learning new things and developing myself as a person. Despite my techy background I remain firmly grounded and talk to people using every day language, unnecessary techno-babble drives me bonkers. This allows me to chat with people with limited knowledge on a subject and help them understand more. By day (and sometimes night) I run a successful local technology support company in Nottingham (UK).

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