Krita 2.8.0 Now Ready for Windows, adds Higher Performance and Viewing Quality
The Krita team has just released version 2.8.0, a release that's packed with new features…
The Krita team has just released version 2.8.0, a release that's packed with new features…
Popular Blender render farm RenderStreet is now offering free rendering to selected open content Blender…
The POV-Ray renderer team has released version 3.7. It features an insanely long list of…
Sebastian "bashi" Röthlisberger has released his personal library of Cycles and Compositor NodeGroups - you'll…
Several people reported this story: OctaneRender, a commercial renderer, has released a plugin for Blender…
Krita, the open source sketching and painting program, has released an update.
LuxRender 1.2 has an impressive list of fixes and improvements.
The Krita team has released version 2.6, now with OpenColorIO integration. Illustration 1: OpenColorIO Lut…
bBatch is batch manager for OS X. Meshmixer is one of the more interesting free (although not open source) 3D apps.