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Image: 90-60-90


Roman Chumak writes:

Hi there!

I wanted to to participate in the contest on Facebook and do a scene with the girl and three Weapons: FN P90, RHINO 60DS and another P90.. 90-60-90.. But I was busy with my main work at studio, and also unexpected I had to do that DO-RA visualization.. so I had not time for a girl character.. and when deadline was in one day I decided to make best I can with two weapons I managed to model.. By the way noise at the top of my render is not a bug, it's a feature.. = )

Hope you like it.. = )


FN P90 - Turntable:

RHINO 60DS - Turntable:


  1. Weapons and girls... I feel sad for your level of cognitive development... and by posting such content on Blendernation, however good from a modeling/rendering it is, you are just making this community offensive to 90% of the world (the women and all the people that think that weapons are mostly a stupid -- American -- teenager fantasy)

    • I disagree with this entirely. I am neither American nor offended.

      Civilians owning assault rifles offends me personally, but this piece of Blender work certainly does not.

    • It is sad that there are so many county's that do not trust citizen to own guns. Maybe their citizens are just not smart enough to own them. It makes me happy and proud to be American.

    • I completely agree with the idea that girls+gun (or motorbikes, or power cars or big lizards) is a fantasy that is worn thin, really really thin. But judging Roman and his cognitive development (do you know what it means?) solely on this piece is way too extreme and doesn't make you shine any brighter than him. On his website you see that he has more creativity than you might think.

      BERNIEK: Fox News is fiction, not journalism, don't trust them too much. Spencer & friends didn't shoot once nor even attempt that, they used there close-combat training. And the one who spotted and disarmed the attacker first was French or Belgian.
      JOHN: care to develop? Right now your arguments are a little shallow.
      SINKO: The USA have many things to be proud of, but giving just about anybody the power to kill isn't one. Added that killing remotely is for cowards, learn to fight with your hands, it's much more useful by the way.

    • Come on! You think that people not owning guns will bring down crime? It'll increase! Just because normal law abiding people wouldn't have guns, doesn't mean that criminals won't! Why would they care what the law is if they break it all the time?

      I'm not saying that criminals won't have a harder time getting guns, but they'll still get them, or find a way to make them, or just find another means of fighting. They where able to do it before guns. Would you really want to be stuck in a place where a bunch of criminals have guns, and no one else does? The only good people who would have them would be the police, and they can't be every where at all times.

      Also, why are guns blamed for things that humans do? Sure, guns shoot out the bullet, but it's the people who tell it to. Crime isn't a problem with guns, it's a problem with people!

      You're against guns, but you're okay with fist fighting? They can both kill people, one's just more efficient than the other. What's the difference between them?

          • Why do you need to be efficient in killing people, do you have a big project?
            I'm not ok with fist fighting if you're thinking about things like "fight clubs". I'd be more than okay with nobody having weapons but I'm okay with learning to defend yourself with your hands, because this is no wonderland. (by the way, most martial arts teach you to attack if you have no other choice, as last resort).
            I also sustain that the cowards and idiots who kill remotely and/or massively with guns would not kill if they only weapon they had were their bare hands.

  2. I hate weapons, am totally against their use and possession.
    Yet I love this image and thank you for having posted it.
    Most impressive is how you manage to show only black objects and still produce a very readable image.

  3. SnippetsUniverse on

    What's up with these codescending comments? Just because the subject doesn't coincide with your 'superior' taste it immediately is a bad piece of 3d imagery? I, for one, am not offended by girls, weapons, or a combination of the two in 3d artwork. Especially when the modeling and texturing of the 3d objects is as good as it is in this instance.
    Which leads me to what I originally came to comment on; the image itself.
    That FN-P90 model looks awesome! :)

  4. a teacher and blender user for years on

    Dear blender community,

    exact descriptions and high level of 3D-modelling realization show a very skilled creator who's seems to be quite into that weapon thing. People should be OK with this as long as there is context e.g. some project containing these objects. Then everybody could judge for oneself wether he/she likes the project, its story, its statements and so on or not. But posting weapon pictures only for kinda messages like "cool, we can have totally realistic looking guns in blender" is not the way we should attract/inspire young or old users and artists starting up blender.

    And I know, we already had this discussion on blendernation several times before. But are there no other kinds of focus in this world with all its serious problems among mankind than presenting killing tools? (And please don't tell me anybody that cars kill pedestrians. Unfortunatly they do sometimes, but not at will. Also the car was not invented to kill but to move from one point to another.)

  5. I don't mind people being sensitive to certain types of content, but I don't think they should tell me what to post and what not :) In fact, I'm quite sensitive about weapons - you don't see many 'weapons only' posts here for that reason. I felt this one image was very well made, so I decided to share.

    • The rendering and the models are really well done. Guns are a beautiful piece of engineering, and mechanic, independently of what you use them for, and I can see the complexity behind this piece of work.

  6. whoa! I truly didn't expect reaction like this..
    If someone of you can start a holy war around the picture, you definitely should stay away from any weapon! = )
    by the way thanks to anyone who likes it.. = )

    my next work will be more peaceful and more existential..

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