Skuax writes:
Hello, dear Blender's Users.
A little bit bored with photorealistic renders, i'm playing with real time GLSL blender node capabilitys.
Here you can see a CrossHatch effect done with two seamless textures with Alpha. The Effect is done with a Dot Product on the normal vector of the object and the light vector to replace the self shadow build in shader. The casted shadows are also manipulated in the same shader. It's really simple and realtime. If you need some explanation on it i could do a Tutorial. But it'll not be a shiny tutorial with wow effects on it.... you must be prepared to be bored to learn something with me. ;)skuax
Hello, dear skuax.. I would love you to do a tutorial: you can bore me to death if you like. I'm interested in the same sort of area, but in OSL. If you don't have time for a tutorial, I would love to see how this works, in any case.
I would like to learn how you did this. I promise I won't fall asleep because the pencil style shading is something I've unsuccessfully be trying to get done.
Very nice work, skuax. Would you be willing to publish a hi-res picture of the full node tree? I'd like to study it for my own work.
Ok I am another one willing to be bored... or you could just publish the nodes setup... ;)
I could definitely make us of a sketchy effect.
Beautiful work - great job!
Great work ! i would love a tutorial about that ! :)
Also interested in how it's been done this time. An older example .blend
Hi! I have uploaded my own example file for those who wishes to use it.
Be patient, I'm on the first part video editting off the tutorial. I'm doing that on my spare time... So it'll not be instantaneous. but be sure i ll do it.
Did you ever get round to that tutorial?
This is exactly what I'm looking for, for a comic book project.
PS your upload link no longer works
Here you go:
Thank you!