JakeD7 writes:
UltiMaze [Pro] is the one-stop solution for efficient designing and building of 3D mazes in Blender. Everything from building mazes using pre-modeled tiles to image maze creation is covered in this complete maze generation add-on.
We originally developed this tool to meet a specific need in our studio for a game that is in development, but we got a bit sidetracked when we realized its potential. We began pouring lots of hours into further developing it, and UltiMaze [Pro] grew into the powerful maze generation engine that it is today. We believe that it will serve you well in crafting beautiful mazes just as it has for us.
Great, I have long sought for a maze tool on the Mac
This seems a nice one
I purchased this ad on however it appears that the image to maze functionality does not work. I am using maze generator. Org to generate the mazes and no matter how I apply the settings to your add-on it does not properly generate the maze. Some further instruction on this functionality would be great.
The best way to get support is through the Blender Market - you can contact the seller directly.
As Bart said, contact me on the Blender Market, but I'd suggest you read the documentation here: https://blendermarket.com/products/ultimaze-pro or use the help functionality built-in to UltiMaze that will guide you through how to do this.