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Image: Dc-3 Douglas The Healing Area


thio writes:

this piece was made in different softwares maya for the very basic shapes and blender to make the hole the complex details in modelling almost 90% of the modelling process.

Uv process is beautiful in blender because is extremely fast and comfortable, texturing part is a mix way between Blender substance designer and affinity photo with all PRB maps roughness, metallic diffuse_color, ao normal_maps and heightmaps.

Comp was made in blender nodes natron and affinity photo and a small touch in nuke.

Hope you like it.


  1. Damn, that's quite the workflow. I would love to know though, what did you need from Nuke that wasn't provided in Natron? (I'm no expert in compositing in either, still learnig the basics of Natron, so i'm curious)

    • Some times with heavy weight files nuke´s workflow is more fluid when you have more than 550 nodes also you have more color correction nodes they are a little bit more accurate

  2. Looks good, although missing the point of using Maya for basic shapes and Blender for details. Or Natron compositing finishing with Nuke? Why jump so much? IMHO either one of those packages should be more than sufficient to finish the job.

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