BreakPoint makes debugging your Python scripts easier by allowing you to set - you guessed it - breakpoints, without having to install a full Python debugger.
Christopher Barrett writes:
‘BreakPoint’ is an addon for Blender, developed by Good Spirit Graphics. BreakPoint will allow you to debug your scripts, within Blender, much more easily. Now, there is no need to resort to using a complex IDE like Eclipse every time you have a stubborn bug in your code. BreakPoint allows you to print your variable values to both the Blender Console, and/or to a panel within Blender. BreakPoint also allows you to set conditional ‘breaks’ in your code very easily. Finally, you can enable, and disable Breakpoint, from the BreakPoint panel, with the push of a button. There is no need to repeatedly comment, and un-comment your ‘print’ statements every time you want to check something.
Wauw. So blender is turning into a IDE.
And there's me thinking its a 3d program. Mango is going to prove me wrong.
A few more years and it will be released as an OS.