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First Stable 2.57 Commit!


SVN revision 36121 marks the first stable Blender 2.57 commit! The official release is getting *really* close. Stay tuned!

From the commit log:

Author:   ton
Date:     2011-04-12 16:24:24 +0000 (Tue, 12 Apr 2011)
Log Message:
The Epic Blender 2.57 first stable commit! :)

Let's do a quick last check if things work, call for release will be done
shortly on bf-committers.

Thanks everyone for making it possible!

Builds are already available on graphicall.


  1. At this moment I'm working with the RC1, and I won't change until the final version is released. But this is is a great new!

  2. Without Blender and all the great users out there my life would be far emptier. Nice work and many thanks for all the hard work you guys n gals have done.

  3. Excellent news :) !! Been waiting for it for a long time !!

    Many thanks and congratulations to the Blender devs and foundation.

    Keep on rocking !!


  4. @Daniel: No, 2.57 is the stable release. 2.6x will be the new development series. 2.58 may happen but only as a bugfix release if important new bugs are found.

  5. wonderfull!!! :D
    thanks to all who make this possible...

    i would gently ask a question...
    is it now time for 3Dconnextion to make support for Blender 2.57 and theire 3D Mouses - SpaceNavigation and so on?

  6. for anyone wondering why there is no link:
    It's because it's not released yet. Commit 36121 just changed the Splash screen and marked Blender as 2.57.
    However, the Devs are still in a hunt for crucial bugs, double checking everything and etc. They have to make sure not to make a bad release. Blender 2.57 will be released in a day or two onto the official site.

    But if you really want to download Blender 2.57 as it is right now, you can always get it at - It's a site for daily Blender builds, always updating to what progress is made to blender. You could also download other people branches such as Bmesh for example (It lets you make NGons, has Bevel and knife, etc. Will be merged to trunk once finished).

    Is Blender finnaly bug free? Stable doesn't mean bug free. It basically means "You are very unlikely to run into crashes, or other bugs". The Bug tracker currently has ~100 bugs left. That number grew up from ~60 during the Release candidates.

    I think there will be no more simple Bug fix releases for 2.5. Unless it's something crucial.
    I believe 2.58 will have a bunch of new features. Because they are already gathering info on what branches can be merged.

  7. @beta-tester
    There was a GSOC 2010 project concentrating on fancy input devices. Later versions of blender will have 3D mouse support. And you could even use midi devices to control shapekeys and what not. How cool is that?

  8. Yes, it's a great news !
    But I don't like the slpash screen at all ! I think there were many other images that best represented the power and the capacity of Blender. I think splash screen is very important for the soft. It is the first interface we meet. So sad for this....

  9. @FreeMind
    you mean i can control blender with my old "Oxygen 49 midi keyboard" that i currently use for LMMS ( to compose & mix sounds & music for videos?!
    that sounds funny...
    but is it really usefull - the keys are velocity-sensitive keys? maybe it is usefull to use some of the 35 slider and knops controls to easy and quick adjust the colobalance/-correction of the output in the blender composer nodes...
    but i think for bultding 3D objects, a 3D Mouse is much more usefull than a midi device...
    but it sounds interesting :)

  10. abdollah forever on

    very good news, but this splash screen... will it be the official one ? it's good, but i think there might be better images out there to be the splash screen.

  11. I find the blender release numbers to be very confusing and lacking in scope.

    It would be much more useful to use convention rather than the current convention.

    I appreciate that this would probably cause a few issues with builds system or other systems geared towards using the x.yy naming.

    Due to the extended development on 2.5, I've been running the graphicall builds and become accustomed to using the build number to track updates.

    Does anybody know exactly how much effort this would take to implement this in time for 2.6?

  12. Huge props to all of the developers and hardworkers on the Blender project. Without you all of us poor but aspiring 3D artists would be lost in the weeds, or working endless overtime hours to try and make up the deficit of putting our house on the mortage to buy the maya suite! JK, but more seriously thanks for all the hard work, really appreciate it.

  13. Wow this is awesome! So excited! Thanks to everyone who put in time into this! I'm excited to see the glossy finished product and the Ton stamp of approval!

  14. ...
    I believe that some of the splash screens of the alpha and beta versions were a lot more "professional".
    Put yourself in the position of someone who has just download Blender to test it, and ask him/her his/her feeling after seeing that :
    or that :
    and then compare with the actual 2.57 splash screen.
    I think there would be a big difference.

    No problem with Fliir work ! I like the other images he did (and I'm not able to do that !)
    With all the respect due to each member of this great team, I think it is a bad strategic choice for Blender.
    it contrasts too much with the professional appearance of the new user interface in version 2.5...

    But, yes, perhaps it is not so important ?...

  15. Anyone that wonders about the splash:
    Yes, It's official.
    Not gonna change till the next version.
    Its the winner of the splash for 2.57 contest. The devs teamed up to select the most suitable splash from a huge lists of submissions.

    If you don't like it, don't use blender till next version, lol.

  16. >Its the winner of the splash for 2.57 contest. The devs teamed up to select the most suitable splash from a huge lists of submissions.

    Ok, but I really don't understand in what this is "the most suitable" . Can you explain that ?

    >If you don’t like it, don’t use blender till next version, lol.

    It is because I plan to use it a lot that I'm so disappointed...

  17. tyrant monkey on

    who choose the splash screen, it awesome and shows some real imagination far better than most I saw which were extremely generic. Thanks to the devs I can't wait when this is officially out

  18. This is great news. I'm glad that we're finally close to a stable release but it's weird, despite all the cool stuff 2.5x has brought there are still some features that I miss from 2.49. Anyways great job and many thanks to the blender devs.

    OMG! That Splash! No offense to the artist but it's a bit ugly to be honest. Was it really the best out of all the submissions? :(

  19. Congratulations for all efforts.
    I'm going to try this one.

    I'm very sad with this splash screen.
    There was so many things done to get at this point and now we see this weak image.
    It's not beautiful.
    I hope the guy who did it forgives me but i suppose that there was more suitable imagens in the contest.

  20. Great :)

    The only thing (it seems that I'm not alone with this idea) is the splash screen, not bad for a bugfix release, but a Sintel splash screen would have been a better choice in my opinion.

    Anyway, thanks a lot, Blender team.

  21. Congrats to all dev and testers!
    I'm a bit disapointed too with this splash screen. I mean, it's not horrible, but with the same basic idea, it could be a lot better. I haven't understood it was a contest for the final 2.5, otherwise I'd try to submit something... Too bad

  22. Just as a curious point, because I've had a terrible time trying to find the answer on Google. Is 2.57 going to include BMesh, or is that going to me more of a 2.6 thing?

  23. i can't believe there is still no BEVEL tool. Still. I stopped using Blender due to this. There isn't even a way to adjust the bevel weights for the bevel modifier... why was energy put into the development of bevel modifier without giving the ability to adjust the weights??

    A decent working bevel tool is in every modeling program i know of -- EXCEPT Blender.

    I don't get it.

  24. This is very exciting! We finally have a stable 2.5!!!!!

    Thank you to all the developers and testers who made this possible.

    My only issue is the splash screen. The chameleon looks a bit ugly in my opinion. I don't want to offend the artist who made it in any way. It looks like a chameleon, and is very creative, but is it the kind of picture that would make a good splash? Another point: The splash for 2.44 was a lizard. I guess that was a long time ago, so it doesn't really matter.

    All that being said, I don't really care. Blender 2.5 is stable! The splash isn't that important. They'll get a new one in a couple of months, when the next version comes out!

  25. "Ok, but I really don’t understand in what this is “the most suitable” . Can you explain that ?"
    It's basically the taste of the devs :D
    But most of those splashes were pictures of random things that have nothing to do with anything... And this one, well it just says "I am a Blender". If you understand what i mean ;)
    I'm not be a big fan of the splash either, because of the obvious lack of GI and blurry scales on the dude. But it's really creative. I don't mind, it's way better then most of those submissions :)

    "It is because I plan to use it a lot that I’m so disappointed…"
    The picture is no reason to be disappointed about. The picture correctly represents Blender features. All pluses and minuses. Good for modeling, bad for rendering ;)

    "Is 2.57 going to include BMesh, or is that going to me more of a 2.6 thing?"
    It is unknown when Bmesh is going to be merged in. But it's nowhere close to be stable.
    Blender was on feature freeze since the first Beta, so even if Bmesh was finished a month ago, it wouldn't be in 2.57.
    After 2.57 blender feature freeze will end and all these GSOC projects, Ocean sims, Planet procedural texture, Sculptris like Unlimited clay, missing 2.4 features and etc will start to be merged in. Expect other versions of Blender to have lots of new features.
    Why was there a feature freeze? If there wasn't one, Blender stable would simply never come out. New features would just pile in and every new feature would bring in its own new Bugs....

    Anyway, I still think that Blender 2.57 should have been called Blender 3....

  26. For me, Blender in the actual status looks really unpolished. The UI is a mess. It still has the resize problem. It still brings all the problems of the old UI (black windows when resizing). No way to disable the dev console by default. You can align the panel horizontally but the UI is not designed to work horizontally. Scaling panels has poor versatility. Great features, but Blender needs some love in the UI area.

  27. Am I the only one that thinks that the version numbers for blender are a bit weird and lacking head room?

    Strange that it says 2.57.0, surely the version number should be 2.5.7, it would be good to get the version numbering sorted out now before we get to the end of the current series. is there a reason why this schem has been used? I know blender likes to do things it's own way but it seems to force a series upgrade.

    Incidently I'm goona be more contraversial and say that I like the splash screen, it reinforces the conept of blending things.

    Thanks to the devs again fir your hard work B-)

  28. " It still has the resize problem. It still brings all the problems of the old UI (black windows when resizing). "

    Why does that matter?

    "No way to disable the dev console by default."
    It IS off by default now. And you can press Help/Toogle System Console to toogle it on or off.

    "You can align the panel horizontally but the UI is not designed to work horizontally"
    True, they should have removed this feature.

    "Scaling panels has poor versatility"
    Did not understand this one.

    The UI is not perfect, true.
    But thats also because of the feature feeze.

  29. First stable release now available from the official Blender download page! Right now it's Blender 2.57, and the next release will be named 2.58 and should come around June 2011 as a polish release.

  30. At such a significant point in development, that chameleon splash image will do nothing to improve public perception of Blender. It's simply not good enough and has the potential to turn off the very people that the radical 2.5 update is hoping to attract.

    The dev team may well be brilliant technical masters, but that does not necessarily mean that they have good aesthetic appreciation. Who is responsible for Blender's brand identity? A designer with professional branding experience should decide upon the splash image. Or ideally one of the many great Blender artists should be commissioned to create a splash image that shows the new advanced features and professional quality of Blender 2.5.

    That black title bar on the splash image is an unnecessary waste of space and looks dated. It would be better to overlay the logo and titles on part of an image that has depth of field blur.

    Also, numbering this version of Blender as 2.5 sounds inherently half arsed. Surely such a majorly updated version deserves to be called Blender 3.

  31. @FreeMind: It does matter because we're in 2011. Sure, it doesn't give any problems. It's simply weired a program can't redraw its interface while dragging its windows and, at the same time, the program advertises its ability to be more "interactive" while working with it.

    @jiggles100: you're right. According to me, Blender versioning is completely non-sense. Going from 2.49 to 2.57 is just confusing, doesn't communicate any "major" version. I agree that probably Blender should use a 3 numbers versioning. 2.4.x for regular releases, 2.y.0 for "major" releases. It's also true that Blender doesn't see lots of major versions during the years, but still adds significant functionality between versions.

  32. I am really glad that we have a stable 2.5 version now. but I think, what darkcg said is true.
    I never understood the version numbers ob Blender 2.5 (a new number for every beta-version).
    And now the big leap forward from old Blender 2.49 to the completely from scratch rewritten
    Blender 2.57. The name should be Blender 3.0 and nothing else.

  33. Blender 2.57 may be stable, but it has still fundamental bugs. With Intel graphic chips the Game Engine is unusable. Even simple things like pop-up-windows (like "Move to Layer") don't work proper. Mostly the pop up for a fraction of a second and disappear again.

  34. Enough knocking the splash screen already! If you all care so much and are such magnificent artists, you should have blessed the community with your talents and submitted an entry. Kudos and many thanks to the Blender Foundation and everyone involved for all your hard work. Congratulations to the winner of the splash screen contest.

  35. @Ian: Thanks!

    @all: Hey, it is a chamaeleon. If you don´t like it, it will camouflage away for you :-)
    Seriously thanks to all, that like it and understanding to all that don´t. In the end it is a matter of taste and the personal opinion of what the splash screen should present to the users of blender. Me, I am very happy, that my reptile made it to the splash screen and I hope most of you will make friends with it :-)

  36. something is wrong with baking normalmaps. I made a picture:

    1. new release 2.57
    2. beta 2.56
    3. normalmap produced by gimp plug-in
    4. geometry for blender

    now i'm really confused, because i don't know which is correct?? If i assume that gimp is correct then each blender doing it wrong. Old one flips x-axis, and new release flips y-axis.

  37. I have Been waiting for it for a long time

    Many thanks and congratulations to the Blender devs and foundation.

    Thank you guys.

  38. Break node connections with box drag doesn't work. Windows 7. - it's not ready for prime time.

    But I do like the splash.

  39. @ carlinhos

    I must correct myself: There is meanwhile a solution for the Intel graphics problem I mentioned above.
    It is just necessary to change User preferences > System > Window Draw Method from "Automatic" to "Overlap". Thanks Ton Roosendaal! Blender community is fantastic!

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