Animator Daniel Martinez Lara (who we have mentioned several times before) has updated his Red-Nelb rig. It now works in Blender 2.53.
Daniel Martinez Lara writes:
I've just upload a new version of Red-Nelb character rig, this time v.08. Basically is the same Psl-Man armature with the shape of Red-Nelb. In the link you can find a demo video and the blend file.
I've been having some fun with this, many thanks!
That's fantastic how easy you tweak the geometry and everything just work!
The bent arms and legs controls are sooo cool.
Thanks for sharing with the community Daniel.
Very much appreciated.
Very nice to share this.
A quick question:
Is there a way to avoid opening the interface layout, because Daniel is proberly using his max/maya'ish icons and layouts - but opening in 2.53 most of the icons are missing and such?
Hehe, Red-Nelb is Blen-der backwards.
Just disable the "Load UI" checkbox in the Blender File Browser ;)
Looks like lots of fun! Definitely going to try it out.
waho, this rig is really excellent, thank you :)
This looks like a really great rig. I can't wait to play with it!
Can this be used for mac or is it only windows? Thanks.
Wow, what a great rig! Now I have to try animating, coz I cant rig thats for sure.
Blender (thats Red Nelb backwards) is available on Mac/Win?Linux
Check out a free portable download from
Thank you! Looks great!
This is an amazing rig, a great looking character.. Awesome. Thanks Daniel.
I am having one problem though. I am a maya animator, getting started with blender. With blender 2.58, i can load maya preset of keys and it works in other scenes, but with this scene, it does not 'deselect' when i click outside (empty space) like Maya. Am I missing something?
And is an update going to come to this? Just star-stuck, thats all.
Many thanks Daniel Martinez Lara. Awesome stuff. Been a fan of your rigs since the rigs in 3ds max (that came along with software). Sweet stuff!