"Cocedi" (meaning "Neighbours") is a short Russian animation made in Blender. I especially like the intro sequence, which is a good mesh between visuals and music.
Gumanoed writes:
Makhail Soluyanov (aka Crantisz) released animation movie called "Cocedi" (neighbours). As it wrote on the project site:
"What's the movie about? It's about eternal - about people, their relations. Intrigues, hiden love, skeletons in the closets, cartridges in fridge, extra-marital relations and even gluttony affair - all this typical for our characters. Watch our cartoon, recall your neighbours and compare your ones with our. Hope you'll be intrested and enjoy!"
For the English subtitle file, see here
See the Cocedi page here
Shouldn't that be "Sosedi" since Cyrillic letter "C" is "S" in Latin alphabet. Anyway, it looks interesting but I don't like the blur it's annoying.
nice ;)
yes , is nice but the lens blur is anoying yes.
I don't like it, it could be better
i wait to see part 2
The chromatic aberration filter is ridicously over used, is so distracting that is the only thing I was paying attention.
that filter is going to eat us all alive!
say NO to chromatic aberration, photographers know it very well.
Hmm, I really like the upbeat synth intro. Subtitles in the vid would've been good, though, even though I got the gist of the story without them.
Interesting use of Blender, but the Chromatic Aberration is unnecessary and the motion blur is a little sickening.
This did not appeal to me for a few reasons:
1. The animation was very amateur. All of the movements were very robotic and lacked emotion. It just wasn't believable.
2. Had the animation been better, I could easily forgive the lack in good modeling. Unfortunately, this lacked as well.
Maybe I'm missing something, but this did not impress me.
Overall I like the style of the video.
I thought the animation style and materials used were original and interesting. I do not think they were attempting to do a realistic animation style. I kind of liked the relative simplicity of the models and environments.
I didn't find the CA distracting. I thought it created a sorta pseudo depth-of-field effect. That looks like a lot more work than you'd think it is. Overall, I thought it was cute.
Very cute.
Good stuff. :)
There's a few other ways you can do the same thing to your brain as this video. You can't buy any of them legally.
The thing is, it's even wierder when you read the subtitles. What happened to the penguin though? Ripped off! I think I'm going to get Chromatic Abberation surgically implanted in my frontal lobes...
@Blendiac: About the penguin in the subtitles, I think that it is a typo. It is probably supposed to be "elephant".
Quite psychedelic. :D
I think the commentator's voice could have been more prominent, it sort of drowns in the background noise.
2d animation is still very popular with broadcasters and viewers all around the world.I work in the industry, blender has big potential in the 2d cartoon world. I hope the coders will develop the toon line so we can have different coloured toon lines around differnt objects, something similar to animation master system i.e you simply appoint a coloured toon line around a 3d object, in the materials section. I hope the coders will respond to this message.
Excellent, love the style, CA no problem at all, adds to the aesthetic. Lack of 3D modelling and related animation gripes are naive, not everything in Blender has to be 3D. Great to see it used for psuedo 2D cartoon. Interested to see how they did it.
Blender has edge rendering and toon shaders (basic) & there is a FreeStyle branch. :-)
Thankyou Yellow, yes I know about toon shaders & the edge render, I studied freestyle last it seems to be a post production development.In Animation Master, you are able to define a different coloured toon edge to individual 3d objects, just like you assign a material. Animation Master is very unstable and crashes alot.I wish a coder would address the idea of assigning a rendered edge per 3d object i.e so different object have different coloured toon lines.
@Ian3d: I agree, it would be good to have the ability to assign edge color and thickness to individual objects via the Materials tab. However, even if this is not accomplished, there is Freestyle (once it is fully integrated as an external renderer. (?))
Bad voice acting. Technically sound is poor too. Learn to use compressors and limiters to prevent peaks .