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Yo Frankie! Somethings Changed


Yo Frankie SiteIt would appear the Yo Frankie! site has changed. Many were greeted with a nice graphic showing that something was indeed changing on project site, now it has completely transformed.

The new site includes a six minute video showing the first bits of the game in all its glory. Also, on the new site you can now Yo Frankize your desktop with custom made wallpapers. With the rest of the team leaving soon Yo Frankie!(the apricot project) will be wrapping up soon. You can check out the new site, video, and the wallpapers in the link below.

Yo Frankie! New Site


  1. oh! so somebody _did_ see that image :) thought that nobody saw it.

    by the way, some people was asking: the game in the video is the Blender Game Engine version, not Crystal Space.

    They will release a video of Crystal Space version soon, too.

  2. Anthoni Caldwell on

    Maybe I should have put "One was greeted with..." ;P
    Also, Venom sending an article suggestion to BN would be
    great that way one of the writers could instantly pick it up.

  3. @ Anthoni, hehe oki will keep it in mind for the next time! (if there is a next time?)
    anyways the image was for a couple of hours only, not that much really, not even RSS'ed, so it was more like a coincidence the fact that somebody sees the image.


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