If you live in Belfast (Ireland) a Blender Game Engine course will take place there.
Here are a few details about the course, according to Mal Duffin:
A 1 week course, from 28th July to 1st August, will be taking place in the Waterfront hall in Belfast, Northern Ireland
This is the 3rd year the week long course will be running, and all students will learn the basics of how to use Blender, how to use the Game Engine, and how to model. By the end of the week, all students will have gained the skills to be able to create their own games in Blender.
The cost of the course for the whole week is £50.
More information on the course can be viewed here...
Great course if anyone is considering it. I attended 2 years ago and found it really well run and enjoyed by all participants. It helped me understand some basics that the books and websites seem to take for granted. Mal really knows his stuff too and can then aauat with more advanced Game Blending when you get that far.
sounds good but I'll be off on my holidays at that time
ARG!! Already sold out by the time it was announced here.