Sebastian König has posted some great timelapse modeling and rendering sessions that are available at vimeo for your viewing pleasure. I particularly enjoyed the timelapse for the foxglove challenge. And remember if you are a member of vimeo you can download the original video files.
Find each timelapse in his user section here.
A thread announcing the foxglove timelapse has been opened at Blenderartists.
The foxglove video is'nt available for download from VImeo
Awsome timelapse,it´s nice modelled and nice composited,when i saw the image in blendernation,i thought it was a reference picture
Good work Sebastian König
wow, plugged on blendernation... i'm feeling honored now! :-)
@finSt3v3: fixed! should be available for download now.
@master danix: thanks!
Great job! Love the techno music with it.
My only complaint with most time lapse stuff is the author forgets to show the end result.
Other than that it is great!
how do you save from vimeo?
ah, nevermind..found it :)
Cool! These are nice! I learnt a thing or two too!
I really enjoyed watching these videos. Showed them to a couple of my friends, and we were all impressed. Great work Sebastian! I hope you'll make more of these.