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How to bend objects correctly in Blender 2.8x


Widhi Muttaqien writes:

Assalamu’alaikum. Hi guys.

My name is Widhi Muttaqien from Expose Academy.

In this tutorial video, I want to show you how to use the new “bend” modifier feature that exists in Blender 2.8x which is part of the “simple deform” modifier. One of the most important things to know when using the bend feature is the correlation between the rotational axis and the working axis. Without this basic knowledge, you’ll get into trouble sooner or later when trying to bend objects in Blender.

In this tutorial, I also explain why you shouldn't use the "limits" feature and how to work around it, which basically using an empty object and the vertex group feature.

I hope this short tutorial can be helpful. Happy Blending!

Widhi Muttaqien

About the Author

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Widhi Muttaqien

Entrepreneur and academic lecturer in Computer Graphic disciplines. He founded several creative based companies and already made several products using Blender. He is also responsible for bringing Blender as the standard 3D software in the university where he teaches. His main blog is


  1. You can achieve the same result (07:37 in your video) without a vertex group and an empty:
    Set the lower limit to .5 and move the origin up int the Z axis half of the height of the cylinder.
    Or, if you want to control the starting point of the bending just add an empty and set up a driver for the lower limit of the modifier like this: z position of the empty / height of the cylinder.

    • Hi RL. Yes, thank you for bringing that up.
      I prefer not to use that method though, because just a slight movement of the empty object will rotate the mesh. Yes you can snap to the center of the geometry, but it is not always we want an exact 0.5 location.
      For using driver. Unless you need multiple versions of the pole or you need to animate the pole. I think it's overkill to model just one static pole using a driver.

  2. How blender deals with bends is a nightmare, a 8 minute video explaining how to bend an object.
    please fix it and make it something like other DCC bend

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