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OrtogOnBlender beta for Blender 2.80 available for download


cogitas3d writes:

Finally, the version of OrtogOnBlender (beta) for Blender 2.80 is available for download.

Originally the addon was developed for the planning of orthognathic surgery, however, a series of features are used by users of other fields, among them we can mention:

- Photogrammetry with OpenMVG + OpenMVS;
- Complex boolean with Cork;
- Direct importation of CT-Scan (DICOM) with DicomToMesh;
- Segmentation tools.

Making these tools available to users that are migrating to Blender 2.80 was our biggest inspiration.

We prepare installation tutorials for each operating system:

The tutorials are in Portuguese, use Google Translator, but do not copy and paste the translated commands! Use the original version of them!

Any questions, get in touch with WhatsApp: +55 66 999 037 511

A big hug!

About the Author

Cícero Moraesícero_Moraes


  1. I ended up getting this to work for me just last night for the first time, but I did have to run my data through 3d Slicer before I could get it into Blender. Thought this tidbit of information would bear repeating here. Thanks for helping me find out what kind of person I am on the inside. ;)

    Anyone have any ideas how to convert the resulting slices of data into voxel data?

  2. Hey Cicero!

    Thank you for this amazing work!

    I kind of made it work on macOS 11.0. However 50% of the time during some photogrammetry work I was getting some kind of Python errors. So decided to run all the installation steps again and it seems that there are problems with the following step:

    python3 -m ensurepip && \
    python3 -m pip install opencv-python && \
    python3 -m pip install dlib && \
    python3 -m pip install imutils

    This is the error message that I get:

    Installing build dependencies ... error
    ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:

    Don't really know what should be done now - could you help me here?

    Thanks a lot from Stuttgart,

    • Thank you for your answer!

      I did a quick test now with some photos of my bonsai tree. It works with the SMVS+MeshLab method, however it does not work with the Standard OpenMVG+OpenMVS method, giving the following error:

      Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/rudolfneumerkel/Programs/OrtogOnBlender/Blender280/", line 145, in execute
      return import_obj.load(context, **keywords)
      File "/Users/rudolfneumerkel/Programs/OrtogOnBlender/Blender280/", line 933, in load
      float_func = get_float_func(filepath)
      File "/Users/rudolfneumerkel/Programs/OrtogOnBlender/Blender280/", line 840, in get_float_func
      file = open(filepath, 'rb')
      FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/folders/14/55f1vpy14tq2_st30dv5zjjr0000gn/T/tmpm6vjfcjx/MVS/scene_dense_mesh_texture.obj'

      Do you know why this is happening?


  3. Hi All,

    I have been working in 3D for a while, but I am new to Blender. My initial interest is in OrtogOnBlender. I work with a couple of different scanning devices that create point clouds, also with DICOM medical scans.

    My question is can I use the current version of Blender (2.91.0) or should I roll back to version 2.80?

    I am interested in using this software on my computer and also in VR using HTC Vive or another device.

    Thank you for any information or tips you can provide.


  4. Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/Users/kenniff/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.80/scripts/addons/OrtogOnBlender-master/", line 742, in execute
    GeraModeloFotoDef(self, context)
    File "/Users/kenniff/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.80/scripts/addons/OrtogOnBlender-master/", line 566, in GeraModeloFotoDef
    bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath=tmpOBJface, filter_glob="*.obj;*.mtl")
    File "/Users/kenniff/Downloads/OrtogOnBlender/Blender280/", line 200, in __call__
    ret = op_call(self.idname_py(), None, kw)
    RuntimeError: Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/Users/kenniff/Downloads/OrtogOnBlender/Blender280/", line 145, in execute
    return import_obj.load(context, **keywords)
    File "/Users/kenniff/Downloads/OrtogOnBlender/Blender280/", line 933, in load
    float_func = get_float_func(filepath)
    File "/Users/kenniff/Downloads/OrtogOnBlender/Blender280/", line 840, in get_float_func
    file = open(filepath, 'rb')
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/folders/zz/jspdgwds40z9s1cpzmx0rpj40000gn/T/tmpm94_y_s1/MVS/scene_dense_mesh_texture.obj'

    location: /Users/kenniff/Downloads/OrtogOnBlender/Blender280/

    location: :-1

    location: :-1

  5. Liat Segal-BenMoyal on

    Hi Cicero, I would like to start working with the Orthogonblender. I plan to buy a computer for this purpose. Can you please tell me what are the minimal system requirements for this software, and maybe recommend a strong computer?

  6. Uhave been having this message when Installation is finished :
    OrtogonBlender has not been totally installed because of the following reason. SMVSlinuxis fmrecon: This file contains invalid data. (error 11FD) You will have to run this utility again to completely install OrtogOnBlender.

    Please tell me what is the sulotion?

  7. Hello Cicero,
    Such an amazing work!
    I'm trying to get in to use it but after the instalation I open the OrtOnBlender_291 icon in the desktop and then it open a regular blender 2.91 with no extra label in the N panel.
    The terminal shows:
    C:\OrtogOnBlender\Blender291>cmd /k c:/OrtogOnBlender/Blender291/blender.exe
    Read prefs: C:\Users\MA-CellaMS\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\config\userpref.blend
    found bundled python: c:\OrtogOnBlender\Blender291\2.91\python

    Any idea of what is missing? I've followed the instructions. Thank You

  8. Bert Rombaut on

    Hi can someone help me i did all the steps of the tutorial but didn't get the add ons in my blender. I really want to use this tool to make a guide for mandibula recontstruction with fibula free flap.

  9. Gauthier KERVYN on

    Sorry to say that the addon is uselessly complicated and does not work well; there are ways to import and visualize .dicom in default Blender without the addon.

  10. Thanyanan Panich on

    I've got a problem about using OrtogonBlender_291.
    When i opened this program, it was processed in the normal Blender2.91, without the OrtogonBlender tool bar in the left side like your tutorial.

    How can i fix it?
    Thank you so much

  11. Hello
    I completed installing OrtogonBlender 2.91 on window 11, and I ran blender.exe in the Blender291 folder, but I couldn't see the OrtogonBlender tool bar, and the normal blender ran.
    What should I do to make the OrtogonBlender tool bar visible??
    Also, is it possible to load the 3shape dcm file through OrtogonBlender?

    Thank you! :)

  12. Hi Cicero, I appreciate your work! I just have a couple of questions.

    1. Is there a way to move the jaws based on degrees of rotation or millimeters forwards/backwards?
    2. Is there a way to set and adjust the occlusion? Will the software be able to tell me how much I reduced in mm?


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