The 'Professional Title Pack' by PartnersInCrimeGFX offers 20 pre-made title animations that are easy to set up for your own presentations.
This is a pack of professionally animated Motion Graphics titles for Blender. The separate animations are included in each renderlayer – so, each Renderlayer in your scene has unique animations for your professional presentations.
- Tutorial included
- 20 Simple animated titles
- No plugins required
- Quick render time
- Easy customization
- Tutorial included
- Different animations per layer
- Display your products professionally
- 1080P render for high definition Simple, easy to use Blender Typographic titles useful for any Motion Graphics titles. Choose from a variety of simplistic Motion Typography animations for your projects and presentations. The separate animations are included in each render-layer – so, each render-layer in your scene has unique animations for your professional presentations.
While this looks really cool, I would have to say that the biggest problem with trying to sell this to the Blender Community is that anyone who is looking at this, me for example, could really replicate the result for some of those in a few minutes... I feel that this probably makes it really hard to sell to an open source community. Good luck selling this though!
I bought the Pack yesterday. It´s super easy to use. It comes with great Presets. I could never come up with these in a few minutes like TOVIN said. For me this pack is a huge timesaver. - I need some cool titles? OK: What Font, what Preset, what Color... Bammm :)
xD I think it would really depend on how long you have been using Blender. Just for me, personally, I have tried a lot of stuff like that before so it wouldn't take too long if I knew what I wanted. xD