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Music Video made in Blender


Fleabagfrog writes:

Music Video for Portuguese folk band Quinta do Bill by our 3 men studio, Fleabag Frog.

Hope you enjoy!

About the Author

Emanuel Barros

My name is Emanuel, I m an 3D Gemeralist working on Animated movies and series.


  1. I dont want to be the bitter tard here, but I feel this video is full of great ideas with poor execution. There are some scenes where either the matepaint is gorgeous, but the 3D fails incredibly, or vice versa.

    Some scenes could have been incredibly neat looking, but the implementation between the 3D and the matepaint are just not in sync (example: the moment when they are in the boat at the forest). Like, not even a color filter to the 3D assets to integrate them in a homogenous composition.

    The lightning lacks a lot. It almost feels like there is only one light illuminating them in some scenes.

    The 3D models, while I get the idea of their cartoony style, they also seem poorly modeled, and not because it was really intended. The way they deform sometimes just gives the hint.

    There is an issue(?) with cycles where you can't try to use a lowpoly, organic model, and expect good results: because it WILL cast faceted shadows. And it makes it look ugly.

    The fat lady also has an AO map baked in the textures, and the implementation was totally raw: at 1,56 min, you can see an ugly AO map between her neck and the chest, while it could have looked better if you just gave some brownish tint to the AO so it doesnt look that bad.

    I get the cartoony style, I get that you are a 3 man team doing this, but there are just so many things that could have looked better with just some regular knowledge in everything I have just said, and that they arent time consuming.

    The matepaint tho, most of the time it is really convincing.

    PS: bart, if you ever read this, trying to log in blendernation to post a comment has always been a pain in the ass, and this time it didnt even work for me.
    PS2: lol, it did work, but it showed after I pressed "post comment".

    • Hi Alvarows. Thanks a lot for your comment. It´s really cool when people are honest without being rude. You do have great points.
      It is true that we struggle to get the best result possible but the final product looks much more like something that could have been than what it actually is.
      I really hate when people blame the time they had or any other excuse, but this was done in 3 weeks with a ridiculous budget. The thing is, we really wanted to do it and we wanted to test our speed limits.
      As a result, the animation looks crude and there are all the issues you mentioned. The lady doesn´t have an AO map Though. What happens at the 1,56 mark is a rigging problem where the mesh colapses on itself.

      In the meantime we already made another "speed animation" this time in a week and a half and we did´t want post here. but feel free to check out and give some thoughts.

      We are working now in something worth sharing. You just wait :)


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