Thatimst3r presents a huge video tutorial series Blender game design. Enjoy!
This is a Full BGE tutorial series showing you how to create a "proper" FPS setup from scratch. The series covers many different topics that can be applied to a variety of other applications. The topics covered include:
- BGE animation (with dopesheet)
- Using python to trigger events
- Logic for player control
- Switching between weapons (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
- Reloading
- Muzzle flare
- Grenades (explosive + smoke)
- knife (with typical fps knifing)
- Automatic gunfire + single fire
- ground impacts
- blood hit
- screen blood
- Plus heaps more!
Finished example .blends are provided at the end of each part.
The best part, they are all free of charge! You can access them from the playlist here:
For the final outcome checkout the finished .blend of part 21 or watch the trailer I made announcing the series.
Hopefully this will be of use to anyone who is serious about learning BGE!
I know this is probably going to make a lot of people mad for even asking but isnt it time that BGE died out now that unity and Unreal engine 4 are free and open (some more then others but still)?
Looks good, Its awesome to see a "start to finish" tutorial. Blenders strengths are its community and mass of tutorials, its awesome to see a project like this.
The Blender game engine is more of a hobbyist style game engine, allowing you to quickly build prototypes with a relatively short learning time. The simple option of being able to switch to the game engine without exporting makes things easier as well. UE4 and Unity, while they are free and have a lot more features, are usually harder to learn. The upgrade of BGE in 2.8 will add many new features and possibly change the way programming works, however there is nothing stopping you from sticking with a previous version.
I use BGE everyday, I really need it I don't use it to make games, but the interactivity it can create is really a necessity for everything I do, I have years or work that depend on the BGE.......really I can't live without BGE......
about UE4 and unity5..... only UE4 works on Debian or Ubuntu (and I use it on Debian) but as I said before, BGE is a necessity for me.
Sounds interesting. What kind of work do you do?
I think it's important to remember that that was a proposal, and it was not in any way written in stone that Blender 2.8x was going to be focused on the game engine.
Also, I find that UE4 is a lot easier to work with than the BGE. In general, it just makes a lot more sense to me, and it doesn't have a large learning curve, at least for what I've done with it.
Let's think outside the box, game engines are not only for game creation and that's why I love and need BGE, it is great for science.
I've been wanting to try the BGE, but have been afraid of wasting my time learning it.. considering all the rumors about it being dead or completely changed in future versions.
I don't think it will die any time soon considering the amount of work still put into it with every new release: