Maciej Świerczek from Poland took a stab at refreshing the Blender brand. It's not an official project, just a designer trying his hand at improving something.
What do you think? Does Blender really need a rebrand? And if it does, is this the right direction?
I like the 'b' in the logo, I dislike how it is not balanced (centered) around the dot - there is more mass to the right. Also I don't understand the sinus line in the design, for such typeface and logo it should be straight to be consistent.
Instead of logo redesign we need Suzan redesign, because that monkey is plain ugly and also the mesh topology sux.
You think I'm ugly? *cries*
Do worry Suzzane! i still use you in every project.
Personally, I disagree with some of that analysis.
I'm not sure I get what you mean by the 'b' in the logo being not balanced (center) around the dot or that there's more mass to the right. Could you expound?
In this take:
I thought in the first logo concept, with the Blender icon logo right next to the "Blender" name, the "Blender" name could've made smaller and placed just a bit upward, like the way this one on the far left is:
Something feels a bit off in having the "b" icon logo sized and aligned the same with the "Blender" name logo. Feels better (to me) having the "Blender" name logo smaller and *floating* in the middle of the "b" icon logo's height.
Where I disagree most is with the sinus line. I see what you mean, but I don't think elements always have to be self-similar all the time.
It doesn't have to be consistent with the typeface and logo to fit in--it's used consistently as a background theme. That wavy divider's a reoccurring theme, like here:
It give the logo set a bit more casual flair, as if it's representing the creative, dynamic nature of the suite. Could use a lesser harsh shade of red. At least, in my take on it.
Though, I would see it being used in single-page/"splash" ads more than as a standard use of logo. Like the MODO ads I find in 3D Artist magazine.
As for Suzanne, she could be improved, with updated topology. Though, she's more as an inside joke and a casual touch. Since she's only used in test renders and cameos, I don't think it matters all too much. Besides, she's grown on me over the years. lol
If you draw a bounding box around the logo icon, the left side will be severely more filled than the right side. Now in this design the logo icon is aligned to the center of the bounding box (you can measure it - 277px from sides) making it optically imbalanced. This leaves the feeling the logo is more to the left and not centered properly.
I agree with what you wrote about the align of text to icon in the logo, not balanced also.
Honestly, optical balance is not what you mean, at least I don't think it is. Things being optically balanced are not based on fixed measurements like how you are trying to break it down. Fonts are a great place to examine the use of design optics and alignment. Inspect how circular characters hang below the baseline to optically feel aligned to other characters.
If you were to look at this logo as a physical object, you might imagine that the first ascending stroke would cause the circular base to begin to rotate counter-clockwise without the other elements helping to offset its visual weight and even out the overall balance. I would argue that what he has done is optically centering it. I also feel like that is a bit of a weak argument, considering that this logo is obviously more centrally balanced than the current logo.
Also, there is no rule to say that logos must be symmetrical or symmetrically balanced. Look at Apple's logo, the Nike swoosh, the Twitter bird, etc.
Anyhow, you are welcomed to your own opinion. However, I actually dig the logo, I do like seeing the "b" coming out of it
it looks like coke-cola to me. i'd like a new design on a more 3d look or go with a slim new angle view of a twist silver and a blue ball at the bottom.
Just some thing new that the community would be proud to slam a maya user in the face with.
Totes, Coca-Cola.
The Suzanne Topo really is kind of an embarrassment. Whenever I use it and notice her eye-disc poking through the lower eyesockets, I almost go and file a bug report about it. But then get distracted. It seems like it ought to be fairly easy to fix her. Since she is standing in for the teapot, they could at least give her clean surface geometry.
It looks nice, for a personal project.
But the Logo does not need a refresh in my opinion, it looks good the wax it is.
I personally think this design is a stronger logo. Having just red and grey makes the logo strong. The orange, blue, and white seems sort of flaky by comparison. I also think the orientation is superior.
That said, the current logo is not bad, I just think this one is better.
in my opinion this redesign looks boring, nothing special, nothing unique.
I agree, this redesign is actually very plain and not doing anything better than what we have, if we're gonna redesign we should do it right or nothing at all.
I think that this logo is better than original. I'll use it as tile image in Windows
Looking good, but my first thought was "Vodafone". Don't change it now :-).
I really like the idea, and I do think the old logo looks a bit dated. It was made in 2002, after all.
While I like it, I think the white on red (especially that shade of red) is too similar to the Adobe logo. Also....the drop shadow? I thought everything was flat these days? :)
(as I secretly hope that "flat design" is just a passing trend)
Nice personal project. Blender already has a strong brand identity so I would suggest, if anything, that a brand refresh would be the direction to go.
Maybe I'm wrong, but the colours of the current logo relate to the old Dutch flag.
And although I'm not Dutch, I see Blender as one of the greatest gift from Holland to the World. So for me the colours are not negotiable. :)
Red and it not the Polish flag...? Just an accident? ;)
But a Suzanne redesign could make sense IMO.
Oh, haven't thought of that, since Maciej is from Poland you may be right :-) Personally, I don't like orange as a colour very much (never would buy me an orange car *g*), but for me it is Blender for years now. And I don't know if the Blender logo colours were chosen for the historical background of the Prince's flag - but I think this might be the reason, so they should not be changed after all. In my opinion, although Blender has lots of contributors from around the world, it should still relate to its origins.
This logo is clearly better. The silly slant in the current logo is especially bad. The fact that it is more upright, with a built-in 'b' is nicer and more sensible. The 'blender' typeface is quite corny though
please make a theme for blender with this color palette, I love it the design!!!!! Also if not too much a full hd background will be nices :D.
It is nice but not necessarily an improvement. i do not like the bakcground; it make it difficult to use the logo.
For a proper logo I would say it needs to be in front of a much smaller red rectangle so to allow use on letterhead, and some other balanced rectangles for other uses.
Does anyone else think it too closely resemble the "Beats" logo?
I do like it, but I prefer the orange color scheme to this red.
Nice try. Certainly not ugly, it indeed has qualities, and it is much more modern and stylish than the existing blender logo.
But the colors (red and white) and the horizontal S-curve (which others call here the sine wave) remind me too much of the coca-cola logo. Especially in the example above, it bothers me.
The site contains more beautiful versions than this one. Nice try !
personally i really like this logo, however i think that this logo should be in the same position that the current one is in. other that that i really like the one
Looks cool but I like the old design best though. The mockup reminds me of Target's store logo.
I liked the concept of this logo. But I would remove this sinuous curve (it reminds me, besides some drink, a sports apparel brand) and rotate it 30° to the right, keeping the orange tone. And of course I would update the font consistently to a rounded sans, maybe something like Le Havre Regular.
I like what you've done . I'm not sure about the red, I found it a bit aggressive.
If it would be a re-brand of the logo, I think you go a bit too far. Because we loose a lot the old typography and color scheme . For me it should be a subtle evolution or a complete redesign loosing everything that's been before (even the principles of the logo).
You're somewhat between these 2 extreme, and I found it a bit confusing.
All that said , as a exercise you've done well and that's a very clean job.
That's just 2 cents from someone who isn't a designer :)
Looking again, I understood the concept: it's an "OK" gesture with a hand. Nice, but this is also an insulting gesture here in Brazil, something like "go f***"... :-P
This is far too harsh, it would be very distracting no matter where it was used. The old logo is great, why change for change sake.
As a designer myself, I say very nice work! From a marketing perspective I'd probably keep the original colors and flip it the other way. I'm also probably a little sentimental :) Overall very strong design and I'd say I agree with all the parts you cleaned up. Nice work!
^^ 666 Coca cola logo mixed?
um... no.. i'm sorry, but the orange blender logo is my absolute fav. Red, flipped and rotated makes it seem weird.
I really like this design. Current logo is fine, but "so much 90's".
Someone mentioned that it's flat and the red color is agressive. Yes, it's kind of flat, but not as boring as modern iOS, Android or Windows design - it has a bit of bevel and thickness, which is great.
Red color? I also like it! Orange is very optimistic but do not strike the user, doesn't tell him: "hey, I'm hot!". The red does. Also, two color logo feels more professional than mix of white, orange and blue.
I think the line is not an inseparable part of a logo, just an element which could be used in wallpapers or splash screens.
Someone mentioned the icon with rectangle. In my opinion, if this logo is going to replace the current one, the icon should be in circle, not a rectangle. Circle feels more professional, rectangles are, as I previously used the phrase: "so much 90's"
AH nationalism on the rise! It's cool but blender is from the Netherlands or Holland... orange is not only a team color/colour, but it has historical significance to the nation. Just as Poland's flag is red and white. Anyway, everyone's got opinions, and mine is, I like the logo as it is.
Yyyy...nope. I didn't even think of Poland here, it could be dark blue + white (or green + whie or just whatever). I just say it looks far better when a single color + white :-)
i think the old logo is good as it is. i do not see a reason why there should be a redesign.
This looks Fresh... Change is always painful, especially for old blender user, they will find it hard to adapt... but redesign will have to maintain the same colors and for the final design... maybe a democratic participation will be a wise option to accommodate more input from others as well.
Actually, I really like it! Nice job.
I have comment to word, first two letters combines cyrillyc letter 'Ы', it's very distracts me.
I read not - blender, for me it's - ыender.
Logo is a good -modern but I would extend that leg -b a little
I would maintain the original color of the logo and the wave is completely out , too cheesy and not very original
I modified the logo so how would I like- maintain the color scheme and extended leg of a letter -b
Hi Guys,
WOW, i've been working into some blender logo/animation, that is very similar to the logo here created,
please let me know your comments.
I think it's a great start for a redesign, but I would change a few things. Then again, I'm not a designer.;P First off, the leg of the 'b' should be extended so it's more obvious that it is indeed a b, it took me a moment to see it. I also think the original color scheme should be maintained since orange, white, and blue look so nice together.:) Maybe you could make the background white, and the B part orange, and the dot in the middle blue.:D I think the font is a great choice too, it's very modern.
i really like the idea of flipping it to form a 'b'. the original blender colours shouldn't change though. it's very vodafone and beats audio. nice work.
poland flag... expected
I really like this logo. I'ts modern, it's dynamic. I know that the current logo carries a lot of emotional connections. We all have affection to it. But, I have to say, it's design has a strong nineties style. Logos also become outdated. Because of this, almost all softwares change their symbols and logos, like Microsoft Office, 3D Max, Photoshop etc. And also brands such as Shell, Fiat, General Electric etc. There are exceptions: Coca-Cola, Apple and others. But these are exceptions. As I said, this proposal logo is very modern, stimulant and strong.
Nope. The colors of blender logo have nothing with the dutch flag.
Initial designs had purple, yellow and grey.
I only mentioned the Polish flag. I lived in the Netherlands for four years, my father was stationed at AFCENT in Brunssum, so I know the flag, Orange is the national color of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and I think its the name of the royal family, House of Orange. some time ago the red of the flag was actually orange. etc. etc. I lived in Geleen, and then Eijgelshoven. Great place for kids, esp kids who are into history.
Isn't blender a right handed X-Y-Z system? So obviously you would want the right hand in the logo and not the left hand... Or didn't you know it's a hand-eye logo?
Maybe it's old fashion to have a logo that's not the first letter of the brand ( look at social media ).
But maybe it's also just (american) design poorness to not dare a sign. I like to think that real brands have great logos that are only slightly changed. Some examples: Shell, Nike & Batman!
Hi, Joeri.
Shell changed it's logo along the time. []. And also Batman changed a lot, not only de logo but the general layout of the character, the car and the city. []. And Nike had 3 logos before the current one. []
The current tendence is the reinforcement of one letter on the logo: g, for Google, f, for Facebook, t, for Twitter. Or a minimalist logo, like Apple, Windows, Ubuntu, Shell, Nike etc.
I think we must to carry on this debate without hurry, to get a strong logo that represents the strong evolution that Blender went through in the last years.
Looks pretty much the same to me.
And I thought twitter has a bird as logo. Been that since day one as far as I know.
There is absolutely no need to carry on this debate.
This was just a personal project and thats ok, but the blender logo is perfectly fine the way it is.
I'd say its more them just fine.
It's a 20 years old logo that still looks very much itself today ( even though Firefox stole the colors ). We where very much the first in developing a roundness is a square space ( like all icons in the OSX dock are today ). It's slanted belly ( personal touch of Ton ) keeps it alive.
Frankly, this white on red logo has a dull shadow to hide how boring the shape is. Why would anybody want to switch to a dull shape that has no color and needs a shadow to stand out?
20 years OLD ! ? that would be 1995. Isn't that before Ottodeska bought Alias ?
If you know what Ton contributed to design of logo do you know why that shape was employed, and/or what it is supposed to represent or stand for?
I didn't ever even think of that. I like the idea of using the Logo Art to represent a B , even lowercase, and to include the peripheral other "stems" jutting out, to give it a look of spinning, turning, therefore blending, moving, working. I Like it. Does it have to go all Coca-Cola though? That ultra simple presentation looks, to me, a little like Target Co.
Try it in Same original colors, with name to right spelling "Lender" obviously incorporating lowercase "b" Logo into name. How could I submit graphic of what I mean?
Nice looking graphic. Though it is, in my opinion, no way near the quality required for being a replacement for the actual Blender logotype, since that one is way superior in every way. Why
There are two things this design has going for it at a glance: first the re-purposeing of the graphical elements to make it the letter "b" don't feel like a bad idea at all, though in this case the implementation is shamelessly derivative of the beats-logo; secondly the presentation with the different color palette and the graphical wave element at the top which do look good, but is as an obvious derivative design as the above mentioned. And also silhouette of the logo falls short is flat and bulky, and lacks the depth and dynamics of the actual Blender logo.
Though this is a nice looking logo and so forth it's main problems are that it's graphical elements are derivative and even worse that they don't seem to serve any meaningful purpose. Logotypes are supposed to consist of graphical elements that serve a purpose (other than looking nice), to convey something about who or what the logotype represents. It's complexity in simplicity, not just simplicity for its own sake.
My two cents. Don't mean to be rude to the designer or something, just wanted to say what I think.
(Sorry for the awful english above. I usually know the difference between "its" and "it's".)
"Brand Recognition" If you look at the Logo, and have any idea what blender is you will recognize it. I'm all for an artist doing their thing, and this has nothing to do with any official adjustments as far as i can tell. I just hope that it wouldn't become a common practice as I have witnessed where I live, where companies have started "rebranding" literally every couple months sometimes sooner and to such a departure from their original designs that I have stopped buying their products because I can't actually find them when I look for them anymore. This isn't as much a concern with blender, unless they also change the name, and website, etc...
This being an artists' work not an official thing I'm just putting this out there. It's just gotten really out of hand where I'm at and hope that organizations in general will stop this nonsense. Being recognized by your branding just by a casual glance for 100 years running is something a company should be happy about.
I just want someone else to do a logo mock up for fun so we can keep this going. Like that angels wings thing, I wonder if Bart has any stats on the most convo fuelling posts. I bet the artist didn't expect to have opened so many cans of worms. I'll tell you who needs a new logo, the Confederate States of America.... oops!
I like this logo! In my opinion It's more in line with where the design of the various OS is headed. I also like how it resembles a 'b', the current logo fails a little in this regard. I think that for it to be perfect it needs to be on an orange square instead of this big red background so that it can be used as an icon and it maintain the current blender color.
Yeah this one did pretty good :) It's not in the top 10 though, here's a list of some of the most active conversations here on BlenderNation (with the most active at the top):
The logo not being a B is bad?
O wauw.
Quick phone Nike that the swash is not an N. Mail Shell their shell is not an S. Tell Firefox there is no F. Windows there...
As far as I have traveled the world its only the US that is so poor at iconisation that they even have X-ing on the road for lack of fantasy of what a crossing would look like.
Any global company uses the chance of giving their logo a meaning beyond learning their audience the alphabet.
I think the entire logo and name need a complete redesign. The name "Blender" does not accurately convey the vast capabilities of the editor and what it represents to the community. The logo is a silly play on the name and does not represent the brand in an accurate and inspiring way. It's almost self deprecating. Currently, I have no suggestions for a new name. But, I bet the community would come up with some amazing names.
Well, this is a dangerous territory. You are messing with things that have a strong emotional charge. Blender has been Blender since 1998.
But I agree, it's a subject about we should be concerned. In the CG world, there are imponent names like Cinema 4D, LightWave, 3D Max, LuxRender, Pixar, Vue Infinite. And hitech logos on every side we look.
But, in the other hand, the name Blender is very known on the marketing. It doesn't means, of course, that everyone that heard about Blender uses Blender. But means that, along the years, Blender won a place, its place.
What about incorporate the "3D" on the name? Blender3D could be an interesting reinforcement.
I Really Like that idea. I have wanted to call it Blender 3D since 2010, but nobody else ever did. Look at Max, its just 3D, its not even 3D Studio, just 3D. Weird name. All of Autocad's L:ogos absolutely Suck, outloud, through a straw, from across the street.
Blenders probleem is that the company has the same name as the product. And that the targeted audience of blender-the-company ( well the institute ) are officially the developers ( on the site ) , the movie audience and not the users.
Making marketing a nightmare.
And, speaking on marketing, companies like Autodesk have a lot of money to invest on marketing. Our main marketing is us, the community, spreading Blender tutorials on YouTube, talking about Blender with friends and colleagues etc.
(One example of our marketing mouth to mouth style:
So, every step Blender Foundation takes must be carefully planned to make grow the community.
Sorry Roberto,
but "Blender" as a brand or name of software exists since 1995. The date when Ton decided - as the chief of software development at NeoGeo - to design a brand new 3D-Software for NeoGeo. This was called Blender.
And (only at this place - not really as an answer to You Roberto) I realy suggest seriously to NOT do ANY changes to the Blender brand. Neither Logo neither colours neither anything else. It's wourldwide known in the "industrie" - and for many, many years.
And... Shell-Logo chnges are not a good example for proofing, that Logo changes/renewals are common. In my eyes the only real change was from original to the 1904's - the rest is just adjusting details, depth of structure and sizes. I'd like everybody to keep in mind, that in the 1900's the possibilities of Logo-Design have been a bit different than nowadays.
Seriously Jim, if you can't be loving and kindly towards the existing Logo, and couch your terms in less offensive language, I don't see why any body should pay any attention to you and your hater schemes at all.
I meant no offense.
Well, if you look at some of the most successful companies in the world such as Apple and Google, you'll find that names that don't mean anything will work perfectly fine. The important thing is to have good branding around your name.
Google means something, it is the root of Googleplex an uncountable number ( or thereabouts ). Apple comes from Job's : On the naming of Apple, he said he was “on one of my fruitarian diets.” He said he had just come back from an apple farm, and thought the name sounded “fun, spirited and not intimidating.”
Actually, it's spelled googolplex. Google's headquarters are called Googleplex.
equivalent to ten raised to the power of a googol.
from this site :
about the logo designer of the Apple's Apple comes this statement:
CB: Can you give me the most important things to watch out for when designing a logo?
RJ: The main thing is to make it simple, because designers especially young designers tend to over-design or clients want too many things in there. I think people who tried to work a logo too hard, having too much meaning, wind up with something that's too complex. Logos usually have to be interpreted from very-very small to very-very large and that's not always easy. So, I think simplicity and readability is key. You're designing for an audience that really doesn't care as much as you do and unless it catches their interest right away they are going to pass right over it. So having it very readable is also important. Capturing the audience's imagination by having something revealed to them as they look at the logo is also important. Also, it's an opportunity to give whatever you're trying to portray a personality — this is something I try to do.
Dear, it's a good try, attempt. it looks stronger, maybe little to much (bold). I agree that the logo redesign is something to think about.I like the current Blender 3d logo. It's pleasant and recognizable. but when you give it a good look and have some understanding about logo design there is a lot to wish for or things what feels, off, strange in story and proportion. I think I need to do some checking for information, where it came from etc. I always think in a relation with firefox (browser) and Sonic the Hedgehog (game character) somehow... colors and shape a believe. :)
On this logo, I like the clearness but dont like the direction thats pointing to the left. originaly is to the right what is better. the name Blender is than better suited to the right of the logo. like to see more variations on this logo also in color ;). thanks a lot. make me think to give it a go myself :)
This is not Beats by Dre. GTFO
It looks very's really good work. But i think the logo of a 3D software has to be having some '3d'ing ness into it...the following logo looks flat, really nice for printing medium but digitally it need to have showcase the thickness and awesomeness of 3d graphics software and community.
definitely, I like this new font. I think the official logo don't need to be changes, only to be modernize (like to be flat, vibrante colors, …) . I am only a user blender, I am not a professional. That is my humble opinion.
I like the whole flow created by the positioning and shapes. I agree with Gomzyp that the logo could be in a different rotation to show some 3D.
Although... the colour reminds me of Coca-Cola. The interesting thing about the Blender logo being Orange, Blue and White is that these were the original colours of the Netherlands flag, until orange changed to red. Maybe play a bit more with the colours!
At first glance, I thought a chicken head.
In my opinion I think that the current Blender logo looks great. I can't disagree with the idea that a more "orthographic" like logo would be better but it feels like (to me at least) I am in perspective viewport mode when I am looking at blender's current logo. When I see that one I feel a bit odd like I am watching it from upfront from an orthographic angle. I don't know it may be just me but in my opinion I believe that blender's logo is perfectly fine.
I'd strongly suggest not to use this logo. As somebody had pointed out, it looks like 666, and the eye of horus, which, coincidence or not, is unfortunately all too common these days. It also resembles Target and Coca-Cola.
When you load a obj, it stops at 666 for a moment.
Does Blender have evil roots ?
It seems so. With that ugly 666 logo.
Ridiculous design. Occult symbols hidden in plain sight.
Really disgusting to have an open source project infested with such symbolism.
I would use ms paint from now on to draw my own 3D models. hhh
6 6 6