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Weekend Hangout: The most Blender things that ever happened?


I just had a great laugh while reading some 'most xyz that ever happened' articles, like this one or this. Let's compile our own! Share your pictures of the 'most Blender thing' that ever happened to you and I'll wrap them all up in a monster post on Monday!

About the Author

Avatar image for Bart Veldhuizen
Bart Veldhuizen

I have a LONG history with Blender - I wrote some of the earliest Blender tutorials, worked for Not a Number and helped run the crowdfunding campaign that open sourced Blender (the first one on the internet!). I founded BlenderNation in 2006 and have been editing it every single day since then ;-) I also run the Blender Artists forum and I'm Head of Community at Sketchfab.


  1. The first time we showed some work to a client and she was, of course, blown away. Later, over a celebratory coffee she politely but disinterestedly asked how we did it. Of course we had been itching to show how cool we were having used the famously open source blender on a job which the agency had expected the use of maya and nuke at a minimum.

    "oh." she said.

    "does that mean these pictures wont work on TV sets though! I mean if it's free does that mean it can only be used on smaller channels?" sigh!.

    Two hours later and the heftiest demo we could muster using every computer in the office to render for free!!!, We were asked to provide all of the graphics for that particular programme for the next two years on the understanding that we would always use this software to do it.

    I would regularly send .blend files instead of renders for them to check progress. every producer in the office became familiar with it and although I have left that company I believe they still use it today with over 4000 animations created, rendered and broadcast.

    Delighted. Thank you blender.

  2. I'm thinking of printing up little Blender FAQ cards to hand out every time I mention that I work in Blender. I practically mutter the same speech in my sleep at this point:
    "Yes, it's free."
    "Practice. Looking at Tutorials on Youtube"
    "Yes, there are free tutorials"
    "I only used some photos in the textures, everything else is CG"
    "I went to it for the feature set, and because in a month of free demo I got nowhere with Maya"
    "Sure, look up Sintel, or Elephant's Dream, or Big Buck Bunny"

  3. My favorite quote because it was totally sincere, from a my wife's friend to her regarding my new Blender course:

    "I'm guessing that John's business has to do with a blender. What exactly is the course? Sounds interesting. We got a Vita Mix for a family Christmas present 2 yrs ago and really like it!"


  4. I was cooking once and discovered an item in a different cupboard than usual and said, out loud, "Hey look, a user interface change!" Because I was thinking about all the discussion about the Blender UI.

  5. disqus_FU6iGABc1u on

    1) Have the opportunity to teach Blender at my university ( after three months from my final bachelor. PRICELESS
    2) Everytime I explain and show the all-in-one capabilities of Blender to collegues and friends, it's a pleasure to see them blown away XD.

  6. Lawrence D’Oliveiro on

    I was thinking about that movie “Cloudy With A Chance Of Metaballs”. But I guess that’s not really Blender-specific...

  7. Maybe a fact that homeschoolers are smarter, because one started Blender when he was 12. And he made this. Not giving myself a pat on the back, lol, :)

  8. One of my favorite quotes is when my mom said, "When you grow up you won't have a mom to tell you to take a shower, so you can sit around and be a blender junkie all day." So my BA username was born. :)

  9. Stephen Berlinger on

    Started using Blender at work for architectural visualization. My clients love the "Wow factor" that my renders can generate in Blender. The following photographs/renders illustrate my company's design capabilities and how hard work and Blender change cool into awesome. These photos are posted with the permission of the client and of Heritage Restoration and Design Studio.

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