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Tutorial: Automating Tasks in Blender with Python Scripting



Learn how to automate repetitive tasks in Blender using its built-in scripting language, Python. A video tutorial by Jonathan Williamson from Blender Cookie.

Jonathan Williamson writes:

Using python scripting we can easily automate most any series of tasks in Blender to speed up our workflow. In this tutorial I'll show you how you can add and apply specific modifiers to all of your selected objects.

This is a beginner tutorial and only scratches the surface of using python scripting in Blender.



  1. That was precisely the theme of the article I submitted and presented last week in the Blender PT Conference 2013 in Oporto. I presented an example of how to use Python scripting to easily change the height of the 308 portuguese counties according to statistical data from an external .txt file, how to inser key frames if we want to animate the data and how to create a user menu to make everything more user friendly.
    You can download the article and the .blend file from here to explore and change it as you want:

    For those who want to learn python, apart from the mentioned you can also apply for free for this Coursera course on Python that started this week:

    Have fun and a lot of Pythoning!

  2. mmmm i HATE with all my heart Python Language, i LOVE C/C++ Language, i must say Python has a powerfull language, it is has, but with all respect, nothing is compared to C/C++ and hope someday people use it everyday becasue is the main, the core, etc... i respect python, but c/c++ SHALL ALWAYS BE SUPERIOR now and ever, with python we have roto-bezier, blam, fracture, etc... i accept it is a powerfull tool BUT it´s not enough for comparing it to c/c++, Never... ... Mmmm I LOVE BLENDER.... but not python

    • Gertjan van den Broek on

      What's your point exactly?
      I think python serves it's purpose addequately as a scripting language. I can't imagine having to recompile blender everytime I want to try or test a little script that rotates an object by aan X degrees ( satirical )

      • hi Gertjan, nice to meet you, unfortunately in this case we meet, mmm answering to your question, about what´s my point exactly, i´ll tell you right now, my point is... Python is for small scripts, it depends what you want to create BUT ONLY for SMALL Scripts, something MORE powerfull is undoubtedly C/C++ and you DO NOT need to Recompile blender every time, and it works both small and large scripts and you CAN create more complex scripts than python language, i used to make several things with C/C++, some of them are very complex and some ain´t, mmm i don´t write with bad intentions instead... i really love blender, but we need to be consequential, i respect what you wrote but i do not agree, if... many people use C/C++ and they use it for blender, just imagine what we can create, i know what you are thinking, several stuff made with python are totally amazing indeed but are for small scripts and not so complex, like i said before, i respect thoughts, i respect with all my heart blender, but python is impossible to be compared to c/c++, that never will be in this life or next, if we talk about programming language in high level, python doesn´t exist, that's an irrevocable truth, ( windows, linux, mac, unix ) are made in C/C++ and Assembler, BGE for more control is used python language, and finally... blender source is c/c++, hope you have a nice day my friend.... hugs...

        • Best post ever. Such soul, such passion!

          If you have a script that does something relatively computationally inexpensive, what's the difference between it taking 10 milliseconds and 1 millisecond?

          I do some quite intensive deformation routines that still work at interactive rates in Python.

          • hi my friend supergra, thanks a lot for your nice comment, i greatly appreciate it, about your question, i can answer it as well, but i will answer with my works, ´cause i´ll take again my tasks on C/C++ for getting better our favourite software called Blender, i will, but... at the moment i can´t, in future not so far i will help and i will answer your question easily

            Hugs and thank you again

            4ever Blender !

  3. FILE NOT FOUND - please put up that files somewhere on github, archive org or anything else where they will stay for a while, thanks!

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