Alex Telford shows how to create macros in Blender without any additional tools or add-ons.
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Alex Telford shows how to create macros in Blender without any additional tools or add-ons.
Hi, Alex!
Very useful tips, thanks!
I tried to do some repetitive extrusions and grab moves - it works strangely.
This code supposed (not sure) to move (and etc.) a selected face by Normal Z direction. But it works only in Global axis. Not as I supposed.
Also script navigation in Blender kills me :( Why no horizontal scroll bar?
How to use it when a code is very long? Or I need to get to used to it?
Ooops :) "Wrap words"! And it helps! Hooray! :)
I'll hopefully take a look at your code if I have time today, but blenderartists may be able to help sooner.
Sounds like you haven't specified Normal orientation in the extrude.
For navigation you can Shift+Middle click to pan which works well :)
Thanks for navi-tip!
My 1st code is wrong b'coz I did copy the wrong strings.
In the second I see there is an opening bracket then somewhere (inside these brackets) lays a definition to move on 'NORMAL'.
........ "constraint_orientation":'NORMAL', .........
........ "release_confirm":False})
it's how it looks simplified.
Running the script on a side face gives right scale op-s but extrusions equals zero.
Can it be a bug?
I got that a text in "Info" must be deselected before select and copy new history... Is it the only way to select/deselect by RMB-clicking? - this code definitely relates to 'NORMAL' in all operations... But still isn't working as I expected.
Can you advice some thread on BlenerArtists by this question?
Great tutorial, We need more python tutorials. What about extending this tutorial, or adding a pt. 2 that would automatically roll over every mesh object in the scene and delete duplicate vertices. That would be useful, and informative.
Because I cannot distinguish it, I am very sorry that an image is coarse for the person whom words cannot understand.
Incredibly useful! As somebody who spends hours writing VBA scripts to process MS Word files in special ways, I was always wishing I had the same sort of skills in Blender. I know no Python, and have no time to learn it, so this tutorial is just what I needed! The real "Voila!" moment comes at 8:15, when Alex shows how to simply copy the underlying code off any button.. :-)
Alex, I would like to make a macro that, after I select the face, will switch the camera to align to the selection (Shift+Numpad 7) and then run UV Mapping>Project From View. The problem that I am having is that when I press Shift+Numpad 7 I don't see any operation recorded in the info window. How do I add a view change to the script?
Thanks for your help!