Fax on Blender did a 'pre-review' of Humane Rigging, the upcoming training DVD by the Blender Foundation.
Fax on Blender writes:
"So what’s up with a new rigging product by the same guy?" you might be asking. Well as Nathan himself puts it in that BA thread, that Mammoth was a (fantastic) tutorial – this is training. The previous product showed you a complete rigging workflow, from thinking about it to actually doing it, on an example character. This new one is designed to teach you how to rationally tackle rigging problems. If you suddenly have to rig something else, say a centipede, you could go back to the mammoth tutorial and adapt something you’ve learned there to the centipede and hope it actually makes sense to do so in the first place. Oooor you could stop and think about the movement requirements of the critter and how to solve them. Humane Rigging aims to equip you with that capability and long story short, in my opinion, it delivers.
Cant Wait for this to come out!.
tick tock tick tock as I wait for the DVD to be delivered ...
is awesome!!!! I am in lesson 2 and every lesson is clear and now I understanding about rigging more,