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Blender and Unity used in GDC China Presentation


Screen-shot-2011-11-09-at-1.30.30-PMRead how Blender was used in a live demonstration during the China Game Developers Conference.

Chris Totten writes:

Earlier this month, China had its own Game Developers' Conference (GDC). During the conference's tutorial sessions, in a session called "Better Level Design Through Human Survival Instinct", game design instructor Chris Totten used Blender and Unity to create a custom level demonstration.

The demonstration, based on the Gamasutra article of the same name demonstrated how elements such as height, lighting, colors, and other spatial conditions can create dramatic levels. The level was entitled "The Nightmare Over Innsmouth" and retold a portion of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" with a Tim Burton-like art style. To create the level and characters, Blender was used for modeling and texture baking. The level was then built and scripted in the free version of Unity.

Totten told attendees that Blender and Unity together allowed him to prototype and test the level very quickly. He advocates for Blender specifically because of its "all in one" set of features - modeling, sculpting, unwrapping, and baking can all be done very quickly in the same program. Unity also allows artists to make their work interactive quickly, so it proved useful for this type of simple demo.

See also Chris' "Post-mortem thoughts from GDC China".

1 Comment

  1. I've been an advocate of Blender here at the office as we move into the mobile game/app space. I love this article - and love the idea of quick prototyping. Which is exactly what I need to do!

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