The Android game Egg Savior used Blender for the production of their in-game graphics.
Ruben Lopez writes:
Egg Savior is a free independent game for Android devices. It is a kind of platform game mixed with a bit of puzzle where you can't control the main character, only the environment.
It is a 2D game but all the graphics have been prerendered with Blender. All the behaviours of the main character (the chicken) were animated and rendered in blender, and composed in a sprite atlas for fast access within the game.
Blender is a great tool for prerendered graphics. With its powerful AA filters, it is very easy to get an impeccable finish for the sprites (tip: use the Catrom filter for low resolution art). With its python scripting support it is quite straightforward for a programmer to integrate it on any pipeline.
Here you have a short in-game video (I do not want to reveal how to complete a full level ;)
First! -and nice :D
"Here you have a short in-game video (I do not want to reveal how to complete a full level ;)"
Well that's nice of you!
Hopefully who actually believes in open source (i.e. Blender and Android) will make a video tutorial guide someday so we can all make games for Android.
Quite harsh words :( I am an open-source believer. I have shared several open-source projects, like the blender to OpenSceneGraph exporter (osgexport), or the OpenSceneGraph editor (OSGEdit), and participate in other open-source projects like DrQueue or dia2code.
My plan is to open source this game too (and my other android app), just wait a little bit :)
Nothin' wrong with making money..
If that wasn't a joke, I believe you misunderstood what Ruben said.
Read it again, slower perhaps. And turn down the zeal a notch.
Can't say too much about the gameplay. Seemingly not very original but good level design can probably make up for it.
I like the "Lemmings" feel to the game idea. It looks great.
Good work.
Please make a tutorial on basic Blender to Android game production. I've been looking for a simple way to convert one of my games to Android.
I will make a deeper article, but you can start with this one that I wrote yesterday (in spanish):
Or google-translated:
As said, I promise to write a deeper article, and this time, in english.
Sometimes it is best investing in tool that does a proper job,
rather than developing forever unfinished and not supported tools (Andrew Price).
Android export will be soon available for $400 for the free version
of Unity 3D and just like the Iphone version it will be unmatched.
You game look nice, but in my opinion a 2D cartoony aspect would be a lot better.
Have you try toon shading in Blender or the AllMighty Inskape 0.48?
Good luck with it.
Hi @pixnlove,
Yes, I tried cartoon shading, but I didn't liked the results, the character was too flat and it was very difficult to understand its shape. I think that the problem is the character being too small. Anyway, I am happy with the 3d look.
Tried it. Looks very nice. Unfortunately I could not play it on a Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a. Attempting to drag the pieces onto the gameboard resulted in the gameboard being dragged around instead. Uninstalled.
Again, it looked very nice, tho.
@Statik Thanks for the feedback. I will try to solve this issue with the Xperia by setting up a virtual device with similar specs, as I don't have access to a real one...
A little off topic, but for 3D Android game creation this might be of interest.
I haven't done much with this, just downloaded it and built some examples, but it looks good. Hopefully soon there will be a bit more in the way of documentation.
the game is alot of fun, but its very easy to grab onto the background and move it all around the screen, should be locked to not allow this. thanks... playing on a samsung vibrant.......
@steve Thanks for the feedback. It seems that the scroll is a bit annoying with big-screen devices like yours and Statik's. Unfortunatelly I have a mid-screen device to test with, but I will give it a try on the emulator and find another scroll locking scheme that works even on big levels.
By the way, and a bit off-topic. I am a quite stuck trying to make it open-source. There is a problem with the GPL and the advertisement sdk that I don't know how to overcome. If someone with more experience than me on legal issues wants to give me a hand, I try to centralize the discussion here:
@steve @Statik I have updated the game trying to fix this issue with big screens. Can you try it again and tell me if it works properly now?
As promised, here you have the article: