Following up on his previous tutorial on camera changes during an animation, Kernon Dillon now explains how to add transitions using the Sequence Editor.
Kernon writes:
In this Blender tutorial, we'll take a look at how to add simple transitions to camera changes in an animation. This will be accomplished using Blender's Video Sequence Editor.
yeah I saw this tutorial yesterday. Quite interesting. But normally I like to do the compositing after my finnished stills are rendered out
didn't you already post this?
This is one of the most valuable tutorials I've ever seen. I've never learnt so much in such a short period, and it's just what I needed to know for my next project! Fantastic tutorial, fantastic timing :)
very good tutorial!!
Im having problems with my VSE. When i add stills the preview remains white though i can scrub through the timeline. adding video has same problem but sound is ok. Anyone help me out :\