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Blender-Empire #8 released


issue8A new issue of the Russian Blender-Empire magazine has been released.

Vychegjanin Vladimir wrote:

Table of contents:

  • cover (article about creating model for cover);
  • “our world” (new section instead of News section);
  • interview with Andrew Prahov (author of first Blender book in Russian);
  • Blender modifiers (manuals translation);
  • video textures (beginners tutorial using video textures in the Blender Game Engine );
  • project structure for Big Buck Bunny (new section);
  • principle of domino (tutorial about domino theory);
  • 3rd Person Camera Collision Detection ;
  • Creating Pop-Up Menus ;
  • Menu Builder Template;
  • and more...

Also be sure to check out gallery of images submitted by talented authors.


About the Author

Avatar image for Bart Veldhuizen
Bart Veldhuizen

I have a LONG history with Blender - I wrote some of the earliest Blender tutorials, worked for Not a Number and helped run the crowdfunding campaign that open sourced Blender (the first one on the internet!). I founded BlenderNation in 2006 and have been editing it every single day since then ;-) I also run the Blender Artists forum and I'm Head of Community at Sketchfab.


  1. Google Translate will take a PDF file and translate the text within. This PDF is too large for it to handle so you have to break it apart. I used Acrobat Pro to make 10 page chunks and then had Google translate the text. When reading the translated text side by side with the Russian PDF you get a workable translation.

  2. @jimthev: Isn't that assuming that you at least know a bit of Russian?
    I may just try to follow along by looking at the screenshots...

  3. @Alex Blank: Not at all. The translation isn't perfect but you can certainly follow it. For example, the last section of page 33 (I picked that because it has English and numbers in it) gets translated by Google as:

    First, we need a script-python, which displays the cursor: import Rasterizer as r r.showMouse (1) Open a text editor of Blender, paste the text and save it as "Mouse". Now re - raids in the scene Main Menu, scroll to the camera and add 1 sensor, 2 controllers, 1 drive and 1 property (the property). Name property (property) "Switch", and type "Int" (integer) and set vite value equal to 0. Configure logical

    [note: the next page continues "... blocks as follows: ... "]

    I believe I could follow the technical sections on the Game Engine if I wanted to and I was able to read the rest without much problem including the discussion of project structure at the end which I was most interested in.

  4. Study russian!
    It ancient language like Greek or Etruscan or even older. 300000000 people in the World speek in russian! Even more.
    So, we (Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Latvia partly, Litva partly, Estonia partly) can read English easily, study it in schools, collages, Institutes, Academies. Why don't you read Russian easily, my english friends?

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