Blender 2.49 has just been released. This is a fully-loaded upgrade of Blender including many game engine improvements (video textures, real-time dome rendering, a Bullet physics upgrade, an improved Python API and a hand full of overall speedups), the long awaited texture nodes, direct painting of textures on your 3D objects, improved boolean operations, JPEG2000 support and Etch-a-ton, a sketching technique for rigging. Full details are in the *excellent* releaselogs. Many thanks to everyone who's involved in this release!
Thanks to all the devs for their effort and everybody else for being part of the process (ideas, bug reports, feedback, all that keeps our community up).
and as said on the other thread, I think the Splash image fits just perfect, is exactly how Blender artists and developers will stare at 2.5 :)
THANK YOU! Now if some one would upload a mirror or something. I can't download it =/ It's like... 0kb/s
@Souler: there are already several mirrors available for each file on the download page. Look a bit harder :)
Every time there is a new release of blender, it's almost like getting a new car :)
/facepalms, I thought they were different language installers. x.x'' I'm an idiot
Cool as always :D
Waaaoo again
Is just.... beautiful XD
Thks to God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cordial regards
yeah.... thanks for all the effort to everyone involved in the Blender development
greetings and happy Blending ;)
Yay! thanks to all devs and everybody else that made this release possible!
Hm... Is it just me or aren't the links working (or are really really slow :p). It's like putting a present on the table... but wrapping it so much u can't seem to open it! :( ah well I'll wait a bit (not that I really have a choice :p)
Oh nvm my last comment (the last part) just took some time loading.
I am so humbled and inspired looking at all the new features/bug-fixes, and in trying to comprehend all the effort put into this!
Let us rejoice and make wonderful things!
Woo hoo!!! thank you!!!!!!!!
Thank you blender devs! This is great... Wish i had more time on my hands right now though.
Downloading with 3.7 kbs :) I wish everyone good luck with the new release.
For now i can see only 2.48a jn download page:(
Download link "Download 2.49@ points me to 2.48a
really nice. the armature sketching stuff looks incredible.
Great! I will use it to raise the happiness factor of mankind:)
Hooray! :)
A big THANK YOU to all the devs.
Now, heads toward 2.5!
Ubuntu binary! meh
Big thanks to the development team! :)
Thanks to everyone who put in hard work on this.
I am looking forward to 2.5
Nice Splash, shouldn't sort of add a credit to the bottom of the splash screens? That'll be some pride inducing shit.
Yay! Ubuntu builds!
Thanks to everyone who worked hard for this release. May the source be with you! :)
thanx :D
Thank you guys for continuing to develop such a great program! I'm so glad to see an OSS project not backed by a major company moving so quickly!
Ubuntu debs straight after release - I'm impressed! The world is becoming a better place :)
Thank you...! From a story telling perspective I think this could be the strongest splash screen so far...
A warm thanks for this release, and the .deb's are awesome! Thanks!
Go straight to the source then:
Thank you very much for the .deb ;)
thanks ! That all i want to say :D
Blender is develloping so fast ! I can't keep up the pace !
Big thanx to all the people making Blender!
You all do such a good job, i will keep on promoting the programm, çause there is not much i can do to help you with the coding...
& Holiday greetings from Finland to all Blender people.
Awesome!!! Thank you for your hard work devs!
This will be a slight pain killer while I wait for 2.5 :)
Real-time Dome rendering looks great even without having a dome & projector!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All this looks really G-R-EA-TTTTTT!!! Good job, well done, Everyday going further!!! And ...hey...guys...THANK YOU!!!
wow wow wow wow!
I don't know how blender achieves getting so many new features (and so brilliant) on each release. It's as if it were a whole new product every time. :D
Thanks dev team, thanks Ton, thanks open source for keeping the wildest and most freaking awesome 3d software on the planet free!
Wow! The new version is awesome! I can't wait for the 2.5!!! =D
Awesome... hopefully yum will adopt it so I can have it updated (I donwloaded the new Blender version but it didn't replace my 2.48a - so I'll wait till yum get's it in it's distributive veins. :)
que bueno que todavÃa tengo Internet XD
a probar se a dicho...
well. it´s here, now let´s see
Thank you for another great release! :)
Thanks a lot to all the blender developers!!!!!
I must add my voice to the chorus of thanks to everyone who participated in the development. This time I actually have time to play for a bit this weekend, so that adds to the pleasure of the latest release.
Have fun all!
Awesome!! Really nice work from everyone involved.
By the way, if anyone wants to learn how to use the new Texture Nodes feature, I've written an Introductary Tutorial:
thanks redbyte :) just got blendernationed
*whine* Just wanted to download and the site is down! *whine*
Good,as it is virtual i can't see the party (the fun),
maybe a next publish about some video to do it for the "empty" virtual .
Maybe some contest for small animations about a Blender party ,
and use it for the marketing of Users and the Software .
Organizated projects for unlimited time of development .
where users had time for they knowledge in contribute with content
that not lessons but for the art as they see it .
Based on a new Blender ,free content apart (that also with not official user releases),
the users can play it like 3d toys for build scenes shots ,videos ,animations ,displays,..
where as a GNU Licence ,its must start with the Blender logo as the main software .
"created with blender" intruduce all kind of user fun with .
One more idea to come ,thanks .
maybe it "as usual like they say" will take some time to acknowledge .
But as it alread written ,also alread done someware .
Don`t miss the new Landscape Generator under Scripts -> Wizards. It would be more than adequate to put it on the frontpage.
thx for another great release, last one with the old ui.
thanx for the tip Toni Grappa!
Also discovered the Bolt Generator; was that there before? Discovering new things every time !
Thanks a lot to the Blender Developpement team for all the great work done.
Again amazing features in this 2.49 !
I can't wait to put my hands in this projection painting !
Thanks so much for a great new version.
Thanks alot ! :-)
Thanks a lot devs ! The texture painting is a great tool ! :)
Oh wow - the new texture painting is just amazing...
Thank you develovpers, for all your efforts and all the good stuff you bring us :)
finally =D now that I have the 2.49, I just have to wait for the 2.5 =D
Thank you!
Many Thanks great work.
Many Thanks great work
Thank you !!!
Thanks for the great work
Another great release! The Blender Foundation is a shining example of how open-source should be produced and nurtured. Not through a for-profit company, but through a community that finances and develops the product. I see a very bright future for Blender and I wouldn't be surprised that in a decade or so, Blender will be one of the last 3-D applications standing.
Bart & Ton,
Ah Ah AH!, et toujours pas d'ombre portée pour les lamps dans le game engine, incroyable construction!
- - - - -
Bart & Ton,
Ah Ah Ah, and still no shadow for the lamps in the game engine, incredible construction!
im trying to get blender 2.49 installed on ubuntu 9.04
but when the installation is complete i go to Applications<Graphics<Blender and nothing happens
i thought i might have to restart so i deed and the problem consists
i installed it on windows vista an all works well
but i wanted on ubuntu
i downloaded the ubuntu 9.04 .deb packadge
can anybody help me !!! please
Jap, you may have downloaded the wrong file. Make sure you get the one with the right python build. It's 2.5 and 2.6 now, and you have to make sure you got the right design version. i386 or amd64, whichever is on your computer.
Try to download them from blender and open the extracted files and see which opens.
thanks for the team and the community behind this great software. gotta try now! looks promising!
I thought for a bit it was broken. I just haven't used ctrl to maximize/minimize a particular window. I found it, and its real cool! I'm running on Ubuntu 9.04/amd64 (actually Intel Core i7). I haven't tried every feature yet, but things look really good so far. Thanks to all the developers for this great release. Blender is getting better with every release, not just in features, but also with usability and speed. It still surprises me that it does all that it does, and is only a 16 MB download.
I bow for the developers of this software. Freeware stuff as great as anything you pay 1000 dollars for.
Runs great on Linux x86_64. Tried some Game Engine stuff for it. For some reason I can't get the physics working as it should on Windows 7 RC1, meh who needs Windos anyway?! :p
issue. blender 2.49 renders no fur
@ Ravenkey: 2.49 Renders fur just fine here; I just tested because of your post and my copy has rendered a scene I prepared in 2.48a to produce an identical image. I laid one on top of the other in PhotoShop and used "Difference" as the blending mode for the top layer, and the result was black which indicates no differences. Are you running the right 2.49 for your platform?
WAHOOOO!!!!! Thanks so much guys!!!
how did i get here... :S