I was intrigued about this animation by David Liger, it's his first animation and I enjoyed the use of the cartoon edges. An avid Blender user, he created this piece in celebration of the birth of his son, Arsène.
"It's a little poetic movie to celebrate the birth of my son. I hope it gives you some sweets seconds as my son gives me a new sweet life."
Congratulations David!
Ooh, very toony... Too bad I don't understand French. nice cartoony clouds/planet!
You don't need to understand french to understand the story :D
The butterfly name is Arsène and coincidentaly it seems it's also the name of David Liger's son.
If he made this to celebrate his son's birth, I can't wait for the projects he will do to celebrate :
- Arsène's first steps
- Arsène's first word (it will be "Blender!")
A lucky baby he is.
And also
"Félicitation pour votre petit papillon"
Roughly translate into :
"Congratulation for your little butterfly"
Are you planning a "La Petite Puce**" next year? 0:)
** means little flea, but is also a diminutive for a little girl hehehe...
great work - I REALLY like our style. Hope that soon would come more :o)
correction - sorry 'YOUR' style....
Thanks for your comments. You really touch me. I am working on another thing and will send some news when it been published.
I think you're right about me, AWS 37, because the next movie might be for the birthday of my wife.
And there might be some "Arsene's first step" too ...etc...One day, maybe, I will do the story of a character speaking and moving as Mancandy do. For this time I just wanna do simple things that works.
Thank you for your interest. Thank you Tim Formica. Thank you aws 37, I will send my future videos under ligerdavid account on YouTube "à bientôt".
I m very happy to be part of you're great community
The little flea is not planning for the next year, but we are thinking about it...ahah..
Thank you
Very nice animation. Congratulations David !
David, You're welcome.
So cute. :)
Very cool. What is the song? It sounds like Björk.
What I like about this is that I can tell it was done by one person, and that you put a lot of love in to it. :)
@Iain, the song is "It's so quiet" and yes it's Björk. The real music video was done by Spike Jonze - give it a spin.
Félicitations au Papa (et à la maman surtout :) )
Très chouette vidéo, c'est vrai que les contour sont bien utilisés, ça me rappelle le jeu Okami par moment.
Congratulation to the dad (and the mom too)
Nice video, Il's true cartoon edges are very well used, it remid me the video game Okami sometimes.
Chouette! That's very very cute. Being a new father myself, I would suspect that you did a lot of the work for this animation *before* the birth, since afterwards, somehow there suddenly isn't as much time anymore :-). If you did get all this done after, I'm very impressed!
I really like the cartoony style. It gives the whole thing a nice, fresh feeling.
Gercekten Guzelmis.