This animation by Jorge Rausch is short, at only 33 seconds long but a very funny gag. Also check out his Negrito Returns. I don't know what he's saying, but it's commical just the same. Jorge shows that he has a good sense of timing and well placed arc movements in the animation.
Dunga THe Caveman from Bataraza on Vimeo.
Negrito Returns from Bataraza on Vimeo.
Matrix and The Negritos from Bataraza on Vimeo.
great to see you here bald head!! :D
your first BN article, our kid is growing.. snif snif :'(
felicitaciones bolo!!
Ha! As someone who has rendered many the turntable of a character - I love it! Humour that goes beyond the need for dialogue is great.
wow, nice animation man
Nice work! Congratulations!
Very nice animation !
What I prefer is the caveman's head, with his four teeth !
Good stuff all around!
BTW, what Negrito Returns says is "Who's this? Don't interrupt me!" in Portuguese.
Nice work, most inspired! :D
The Matrix and the Negritos is good. The way 'Neo' speaks realy makes te the scene.
Actually he says "Shut up, don't interrupt me!" and is Spanish.
He sounds like Jar Jar Binks! Very nice animations
Neo!? Agent Smith perhps :P
It's Spanish like you say, but the translation of mmelo is the one most correct ;)
Way cool animations Jorge! I like them allot, in the matrix scene the lip sinc and physical expressivity of Agent Smith is awesome. Great Idea for Dunga the Caveman ;)
Awesome work!
"Cállese!" Is don't talk, shut up, and the line is from an known Mexican comedian Dervez.
Really cool animations, congratulations. The Caveman I like the most.
hoooo pixar qualityyyy!!!
Sos groso ahora batin
The animation is excellent. If I didn't know better I would say your an Animation Mentor graduate?
That said, all in favor for Jorge to be on the team for the next Blender Foundation animation project?
The ayes have it!
Really good, man! =D
Some strong pieces there!
!^_^ Sorry, my bad! You're right, I undertood "Quien és" :P
Quite good animation! Animation really helps an 'animated' film look good. ;D You're lighting, models, music, dialogue, etc., can look great, but your animation speaks with a very loud voice as well: physical realism. Bravo. Good lypsyncing, movements, lighting, atmosphere - bravo bravo! God bless
haha... very good man.
Hey guys thanks for the comments!!!!!!
I'd like to mention that the character design and modelling was made by a partner of mine and friend Alejandro Barbesi. He's a great artist and you can see some of his work at flickr:
The Caveman is a character for a short we're trying to make in our spare time...
Rogper, Ivan is correct, mmelo is not.
Negrito's voice is from (Mexican comic actor) Eugenio Derbez's character.
BTW, excellent animations! ;-)
Felicitaciones bata, muy buenos
Bueno, taaaaaanto videos te van a poner? :-p
It's worth to mention that the original voice of Dunga was performed by a rare bald gorila. An animal in extinction, fortunately.
Congratulations, Bata. You are the new god of 3D (the old one is yelling, trying to remove the stuck mortadela).
Hi !
nice character .Simple and fun action .GREAT!!!
The animation is little stiff for me (more expression in keys poses and overlaps maybe ) but really fantastic work!
hey bata! felicitaciones!
Cool work, Bataraz! And congratulations for being posted at Blendernation!
Looks like the characters don't breathe...just pointing it out...but otherwise it's all thumbs up for me...good job!