Well, it appears that Blender may have reached another milestone in the pursuit of 3D clouds!
Alan (aka RipSting) writes:
I've been doing a lot of atmospheric modeling lately and wrote a script that generates some cool interactive volumetric clouds! Not only can you see the shape of your clouds in the interactive 3D window, but you can animate their properties with IPO curves.
When you're done automatically generating points, you can edit them and delete the clouds that you don't want. Then, it turns the clouds you DO want into faked volumetrics. I say fake, because it will only render correctly from the camera's perspective, so it won't work that well yet with extreme reflections.
Here are some sample renders and animations:
You can download the latest version of this exciting script and keep up with the latest development news and discussion at the blenderartists discussion thread.
Woah, I'm impressed!
Really cool :)
Looks cool, but why is it so dark where it blends with the background?
Hi All,
I'm excited to see this here on BlenderNation! I will be uploading a release candidate within the next week with many improvements in ease of use, previewing, and cloud shaping.
Raffy: The picture isn't loading for me, but if you're referring to the cloud fly-through animation, it's a result of compositing with nodes. The clouds were rendered separately from the water, and the alpha channel didn't quite render as I had hoped.
excellent - millions of thanks...am looking forward to use it..
I just tried some inhouse-visualisation with influence of environment-maps. Is this a plugin? Where can I download it? is it in svn? looks really great... thanx.
Wow 100% greatly
wow wow wow!
You might need to render the clouds premul or key instead of sky to get the compositing to work without the black edges. I just went through this and brecht set me straight.
then it can be composited similar to this: http://www.tsiwebdesign.com/testing/screen2.png
hope that helps
I just tried this script. The results look very promising. Thanks for your hard work.
Exellent work RipSting !
Another magical world now open to blender ; fantastic for all flight combat scene through the clouds.
This really looks good. I'm tired of using the plugin cloud texture on a skydome....
NathanKP - The Ink Weaver Collection - Book Review Blog
Something else I saw in the first animation.
When Suzanne is falling through the cloud, I don't see any shadow from her in the cloud.
Is this going to be fixed?
niiiice. finally i can be superman :D
Really really cool!! =)
Thanks, Alan!
AHHHHH! I have been waiting for this. It would still be nice if it wasn't faked but as long as it looks good and is easy to use....
Blender REALLY needs proper volumetrics.
This is a step in the right direction!
very nice work Alan.
Man it is Awesome!!!
Claps claps
very cool stuff!
that's what I'm wait for!
Great work!
Well, it is an amazing step ! Thanks a lot !
I was thinking about purchasing Vue 6 to get volumetric clouds, but maybe Blender will do this before I will have the money for purchasing Vue 6 !o)
Isn't there already a cloud generator in the works for Blender?
This is the sort of tool that I have been waiting for since I started with Blender. Great!!!
Great timing. I have just started working on an animation job that requires flying from space down to earth and I was wondering if I was just going to have to use a cut scene to skip the clouds. Now, maybe not. Thanks for the great script
Congratulations, a good job.
Definitely going to use in my upcoming animation.
Thanx Alan for sharing this kool stuff works like a charm :) // specting updates!!!!! hehehe