Hamed Zaghaghi has been developing these features and they're currently being reviewed by Ton. The results look very promising.
Hamed writes:
Finally it's done, sun and sky. The patch is uploaded but only for review. Ton want that I moved sun settings to Lamps, then we can add more than one sun into the scene. BTW, test the patch and if you made some nice pics you can email me to paste it here.
You can get more details, here.
Here's a link to the patch file.
Note: Downloading the patch file will not allow you to test these features. The patch must be compiled into a build of Blender. Hopefully, someone will create a build that has these features so they can be further tested. This will most likely be made available by the dedicated folks at graphicall.org.
one word: Awesome!!!!!!
Holy Blended Pixels!!! We are living in good times...........
Respect to the developers.. :)\m/_
There is already a build as far as I know. Check out graphicall. Here's one for example, but there are others.
That's the best news that I've heard in a long time. (And there has been some great stuff recently). Thumbs up to Hamed and Ton!
Really cool indeed :)
Well, perhaps this is technically cool and might be a useful tool, but the examples aren't doing it justice.
Nice work Hamed!
When this patch is finished, hopefully you'll have time to get back to the Game Engine to implement some of your excellent GE fixes and additions - for the the up-coming release mentioned in the Sunday meeting minutes!
( btw are you the GE patch manager now, for the GE branch? It might be worth having a GE based IRC meeting fairly soon, and try to get as many GE devs in as possible )
wow! i can't believe the tons of improvements... simply it's awesome!!!
This cloud technique may be interesting to be implemented as well. It is for real-time graphic so very fast to render - http://www-evasion.imag.fr/Publications/2008/BNMBC08/
cool new feature hamed!
thanks for coding it and i hope its gona make it into the official release. :)
Looks great.
Warning: Do not click on the bracelet link comment on Hamed's blog. I got redirected to spyware! Hamed - please delete this comment.
Hi all!
@Mal: I'm not patch manager ;) , but i have lots of GE patches to check! and i'm agree with GE meeting.
@Cahrlie: tnx, and sorry for that comments, i deleted them.
That's shaping up nicely. All we need is some Ozone/Vue D'sprit clouds!! lol :)
I want to join that OpenSource for Blender with a team
for a try for something ...
I do not know anything exept some "Something" Delphi programming ,
and a really basic Blender modeling .
Well ,i think will never do anything at this time ,but when then BANG !!!
I start to do something ,it will be nice for have acesses to all that free stuff ,
more than those reports .
With a full detail Blender OpenSource and all needed to know to do anything to the
Blender community ,like those guys who create that stuffs .
Ok .
What ?
That's Right !
It's be nice if it actually lit up the scene that way the real sun (or any light, for that matter) does. There's no change in the foreground surface lighting as the "sun" comes up and into the "sky". The surface just seems to have some distant lighting reference.
I like what I see, but there is still lots of room for improvement. Thanks Hamed for the sun/sky system, it is about time someone step up and made it!
Yeah ...
With a detailed knowledge from the OpenSource ,
and for what i think ,the way it sholud be .
Then not only a few but the world by mean everyone ,
can understand how it works for step up and make it even better and create treir own content .
Also by join current projects .
Obviously ,all the idea behind that free and opensource is to make it hard to start .
So why not start a "Blender Programming lessons" at blender.org
Blender Programming Lessons -
The The OpenSource Book For Everyone Who Want To Create Blender And They Tools .
It may be a cool feature, but that animation is *HIDEOUS*... Could they not come up with a better example?
Following the link to the site gives some greater confidence since the other screen shots look better, and they seem to have some possibility of realistic settings.
Lots of apps have had pseudo-realistic sky models for some time now (most of them base on the same paper), and they have all looked better. I have implemented one version of it myself in a shader language, and it certainly looked better than that as well.
But I hope we can see some better examples soon.
Yay, finally?! Is this code related to the GSOC that never got implemented?
Moving it to the Lamps so we can have multiple suns is a great idea. I had to composite two pictures with TG1 for that, and it was harder than I expected.
Any chance we'll be able to the save the Sun-Sky settings as group, like a Material or Texture?
I would love to see some "programming blender tutorials". I'm quite OK with C/C++, maybe I could help improving Blender?
(What I really miss is Global Ilumination and color "leaking" features).
But where to start?
Big thanks to you, Hamed! :)
cool work , keep the good progress ....
thanks zaghaghi for your effort , specially for the game engine effects .
great you want to help. Some links for you :)
(Section Blender "Developer's Documentation")
And for realtime talk with the developers join channel #blendercoders on irc.freenode.net.
Sanne, thanks for the links - I think I'm gonna start to code some Blender's parts. For some time I've been tracing svn changes (with compiling under linux) so I've got enviroment almost ready :)
Go for it! I had a try recently and got some python particles (programmable boids) working-ish... Too busy to complete them now though so not useful yet! Keep an eye out for them maybe in the future though!! ;)
I did the same with svn under linux too!
GI would be cool but maybe a bit complicated, try something simpler for a first project! I have a book on GI and I've read quite a few papers, so if you do decide to implement it anyway, email me/leave a comment on my blog! (you'd probably be the first ever!) Bear in mind that I'm pretty unfamiliar with C/C++ atm, though I hope to learn some when I get the chance!
Have fun tinkering with blender's code!
~epat. :)