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Club Silo - Updated to version 1.1


Club SiloIn case you haven't noticed, Club Silo, the Arcade Racer Game being done by Luma using the Blender Game Engine has been updated to version 1.1, adding some major improvements to it.

Based on the release log the following changes occured for version 1.1:

  • Support for Joystick / Wheel and Pedal input devices.
  • Improved drivability and physics settings. (Not as yet resolved, but improved)
  • Auto Recovery for the car.
  • Track changes and additional environmental models.
  • Ambient effects such as moving clouds and sun with lens flare and glows
  • Particles (when you nitro boost)
  • Customisable difficulty setting added.
  • Improved AI.
  • Improved wrong-way detection.
  • AI made pluggable.
  • Minor bug-fixes.

This means that its getting closer to a Commercial Game.

You can head over to the Download page and test this new improved version.


  1. As this is made with Blender, is there a specific reason that there are no Mac OSX or Linux versions available? I would definitely like to give this a try on my Mac!

  2. @radu coc: I think they read Blendernation, so they might hear your call.

    @Bart: They were reluctant to make the blend files available due to several reasons, I that they didn't get the thing fully working in *nix variants. Just install VMWare ;) .

    @Tynach: Great, post your findings here :) .

    @Jogai: Yes, that was one of the issues, it isn't fixed as they mention, but its better.

  3. W00t!
    This is the first racing game I actually enjoyed playing.
    I haven't tried the prior versions, but I don't understand why so many complained about the physics.
    Great game!

  4. It would be great if more people posted their experience with this new Version of Club Silo.

    Perhaps something like:
    - CPU / RAM / Graphics Card / GFX RAM
    - Overall feel of the Game, choppy, fast enough ....
    - Good stuff about it
    - Bad stuff about it

  5. I try the game yesterday, look excellent but it run slow in my computer.

    Pentium IV
    2.5 mhz
    1 gb memory
    Display Adapter: Sis 300

    May be Luma can do a version for old machines.

  6. Compliment for Luma!! Much better than last release, with lots of improvement.
    I've just played the 1280 version 'smoothly' (now and then a framedrop, but barely mentionable) on my computer with the following specs:

    Athlon XP 3200+
    512 MB Ram
    Ati Radeon 9600 with 256 Ram

    Steering is much improved, now i can race the whole track!!
    Nice reflections on the car
    Just a great racegame.

    One thing:
    Strange collison detection.
    Sometimes when I hit a fuel tank, it seems it was solid, or it was another strange unseen bump.
    Now and than there is an invisible bump in the track and the car jumps unexpected.
    When you hit the walls it slows down too much and the car dives into the track.
    There is a second (minor): steering is very strong.

    I hope this is useful


    Wouter Dingemanse aka 'Jogai'

    PS Never posted here such a long text...

  7. @Drakor: I think it might have to do with your Graphics Card :) , nevertheless some FPS improvements for older hardware would be great.

    @Jogai: This sort of feedback is very good for the Developers.

  8. Hi guys.

    Thanks for the feedback!
    We are currently optimising certain areas:

    1. The curent game uses wav's. The total wav files are 25.7MB, as opposed total .ogg files, which total 4.1MB, so this is a significant gain. Blendenzo (Blender Artists Forum) is curently working on this.
    2. Texture sizes: We are considering dropping some texture sizes down, so that older cards can display the current larger images in the menu sections. (If theres a white block somewhere, your card is not displaying the image.)
    3. Drakor> Creating a different version for older machines. Now this is not a bad idea actually! Simply by halving the size of all textures will make a significant difference in terms of framerate, I think. (Everything will just look a little fuzzy). As far as remodeling, well that would require a lot of work, so perhaps I can do the texture thing, put it out there, and get some feedback?
    4. Improvements on the vehicle physics and collsions> well this is an ongoing challenge until we get it right!
    5. Once all these issues are ironed out, we can get to the fun part of making more tracks and cars available...


  9. At this stage, I believe we will simply make a .blend available for download once V1.2 is complete. If anybody running systems other than windows can assist us in making working runtimes > that would be great, and we could make it available from our site...

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