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Essential Blender Resources: The Forgotten Links


Library No list begs to be incomplete like one entitled "Essential Blender Resources," and the one posted here earlier was no exception. Here are a few more essentials that were not mentioned in the earlier post. Gentlemen, get your bookmarkers ready!




Special Effects

  • Effects Library - Flame, liquid, explosions, flares, and smoke effects. Some files and techniques are outdated but are still valuable learning resources.


You may also want to bookmark the following:

Almost all of the links posted here were pulled from this page of the official Blender website.


  1. For those of you who saw the article disappear for 15 minutes: my bad; Spiderworm wasn't ready yet and I had already published it. We had to pull it to allow him to make the final changed. A big kudos for getting it ready in such a short amount of time! :)


    PS: welcome aboard, David!

  2. Great: Blender-Starter Question at a 3D forum today- "Where can i find tutorials and links for Blender?"
    i gave him the link to this newspost on blendernation. thumbs up!


    question @ Bart: When goes the blender gallery for februar online?

  3. Sorry this list is less complete than intended, Simon. As Bart mentioned, it was sort of rushed to press. Thanks for telling others about us!


  4. Thanks!

    We REALLY need to:

    - gather and sort ALL known materials like this
    - figure out what's still relevant to the vurrent version of Blender
    - what needs to be upgraded or simply done better (some Blender tutorials have great content but the presentation is lacking -- bad mic, mumbling, stammering, etc.). Blender is maturing into a very serious application that needs to have better representation in the tutorials available.
    - have tutorials that are bite-sized and highly focused
    - once-and-for-all set some standards by establishing a template and guidelines for anyone interested in creating a VIDEO (let's use modern technologies please) tutorial.
    - only officially recognize tutorials that follow that standard.
    - create a good logo that can be used to identify "officially approved" Blender tutorials. This will give the tutorial makers something to strive for and feel proud of having achieved. This will help to raise the level of effectiveness of the tutorials. You have to admit, there are quite a few that simply just aren't up to par.

  5. @Kernon: good points. We need people who'll 'walk the talk' though (or: actually DO things instead of talking about them). If you think you're up to it, go ahead and take the initiative!

  6. Material library: a lot of changes have happened in Blender's renderer since the last update of the matlib, it must be over 3 years ago that I last updated it. Even before we had any raytracing! However, as soon as I have the time (school permitting) I will be redoing these materials for the "modern day Blender". I still haven't decided on whether to only do procedural textures, or image maps as well, as they will bloat the library. Maybe there'll be two seperate blends. BTW, if anyone feels they have a good material they could donate, you can drop me a note and a blend file!

  7. The link to BrianH's fur library doesn't work in Apple Safari.
    In Firefox, I could download the zip-file, but could not unpack it.


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