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Playblast Addon


carlosmu writes:

When animating a shot, usually is needed to make a playblast video to know that everything is fine, especially regarding of timing. But blender doesn't handle the final render output and the opengl-render output separately. For this reason it is likely that you are constantly changing the parameters for each case. To solve this problem I have created this addon.

This addon will allow you to define a default behavior to perform playblasts quickly, without worrying about a lot of unnecessary settings every time. Simply configure the behavior that suits your needs only once, in the addon preferences. The rest is just the touch of a button whenever you need it.

You can find it at Blendermarket and Gumroad.

Enjoy it!

1 Comment

  1. Donald Carlson on

    very handy utility. I do know there is a "render viewport animation" thru OpenGL in the view menu, but do I wish your add-on would also offer to render individual jpg frames as well as avi/mp4. It would enhance the ease it provides for quick test renders.

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