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Blender Rigging Nodes Tutorial Series


Level Pixel Level writes:

Hello everyone,

This is a short video tutorial series I made for Blender Rigging nodes. Blender Rigging Nodes is an addon created by Aquatic Nightmare.

Here is a link to the thread on Blender Artists and a link to the addon,

In the first video, I provide a general overview of Rigging Nodes. This is followed by a couple of videos reviewing the core concepts, followed by some asset work and retargeting examples.

Rigging Nodes are not meant to replace traditional workflows, they are a tool for building rigs that can be shared. Rigging Nodes are a great tool for a team of riggers working on a production who want to maintain a set of naming, mechanics, and visual shapes.

You can download all of the example files here.

General Overview:

Quick Start:

Input Armature And For Loop:

Simple Asset Example:

Retargeting Example:

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