Pavla writes:
RetopoFlow co-creator Jonathan Williamson shows you the ins and outs of using RetopoFlow 2.0, the fully updated Blender addon that does for retopology what sculpting did for modeling. This retopology suite turns a difficult and technical process into a smooth, artistic flow so you can create professional models in less time than ever.
i hope retopoflow 3 have features like zbrush ZRemesh or Remesh It.
Try Instant Meshes, it's free as both in source code and price, and delivers promising results. It's automatic yet allowing for manual controls over the flow if needed. Similar to ZRemesh.
can I still get the program for free? I did not have access to my computer until just recently.....I noticed you had the offer for a free program, but it ended before I could get logged in. I'd certainly like to try it.
thank you