Cícero Moraes shares a ready to run linux image that will provide photogrammetry for health applications.
After years and years of experience, the time has come to share this result with the whole community. In this link you will learn more about Linux 3DCS, a simple and effective 3D graphics solution for the health sciences. You can download the image, clone it on a USB (16GB +) flashdrive and enjoy a functional operating system with a series of programs installed. Many of them have been compiled by me and the desktop is ready for the use of affordable technologies such as DICOM file conversion to 3D mesh and photo scanning in just a few clicks!
The main software is Blender, which has been streamlined with a series of add-ons and sample files for the user test the system and learn from them.
For now the available language is only the Portuguese, but in the future, we intend to support other languages.
A big hug!
The requested URL /downloads/Linux3DCS_2.iso.torrent was not found on this server.
Try this http://www.ciceromoraes.com.br/downloads/Linux3DCS/Linux3DCS_2.7z.torrent
Thank You!
Blender is ever more powerful!
Got the files, created the iso usb stick and booted. What is the password??
there no torrent peer is online that could provide 100% of the iso file...
still download in progress since yesterday.
luckily i have a raspberry pi for the torrent, so i can keep it online 24/7 without noise and too much power consumption.
i am curious and excited to see what is included the iso file, and if i can it get the iso running on my PXE-boot environment.
(download is currently at 66% in more than 8 hours ... its sooo slow... i wanna have it now)
still downloading...
BTW: when the iso image was made like an ubuntu liveDVD, then it should be easily able to pxe-boot over the network.
i made my raspberry pi to a pxe server.
see here: https://github.com/beta-tester/RPi-PXE-Server
and there is already an pxe boot menu entry for ubuntu, that can be used as template for that Linux3DCS iso.
but to verify and provide the parameters, i have to get the iso image downloaded first...
i thing the 16GByte iso image is too big to PXE boot in the way how i tried to mount and boot. ... :(
You can download directly on the site. Www in Github description Page.
I'm eager to try it (google translated the readme file :)
Could this be used in RasPbian? I was just setting up a Raspberry pi with a camera module...
It could be a nice handheld solution.
Raspberry pi, camera, powerbank and a small screen...-> 3D capture device!
Great. Ill read about this Project.