West Rodri spotted two seconds of Blender in a recent Discovery Channel video about Tesla. Find the clip at 47-48 seconds. I'm not sure if this means Tesla uses Blender, or if Discovery edited in some '3D' footage (maybe someone from Tesla would like to comment?). Either way, nice find!
Looking through the mesh, the back licence plate says "Ford" in reverse.
That's true. Very hilarious. I bet it is some model from blendswap.com
I'd love to know if this was true. A company like that using blender extensively would be an awesome bragging point.
The guy who modificated the car used Blender, not the Tesla themselves.
Take a closer look at the picture. If you look at the rear license plate, you see see in mirror writing the word FORD.
(Hi Bart, I had said this but my comment never showed.)
Ah sorry, it was stuck in moderation.
It a Ford Mustang model, you can see by the license plate, tail lights, and the cobra logo on the side.
The Car used in the video.
So no, it's a cut in from somewhere else.
Fun that they are violating the license :)
If you watch the video it becomes very obvious second 0:47 or 0:52 that either Tom Sepe or Obscura Digital use blender to previsualize installing projection systems into the Tesla. Tesla has very little to do with this whole thing.