After a long period of inactivity, YafaRay has been revived by a new, active developer. You can try a new build now!
Ludovic Lotoah writes:
I would just like to bring to your attention a little news that went completely unnoticed. The release of Yafaray 1.0.0
For the last past months a programmer "David Bluecame" revived the project and made enough updates to make this release possible.I'm a user of Yafaray, not even a good one :), but for this programmer hard work and for a free software that's really worth the detour, I would really appreciate that you could mention it. This might also urge some to try it out and make it a bit more popular which would be of great encouragement.
YafaRay Experimental 1.0.0 Announcement
We have prepared a new YafaRay Experimental version 1.0.0 with builds for Windows 32/64 bits and for Linux 32/64 bits, tested with Blender 2.76. Main changes and fixes are:
- Fixes to the Color pipeline and linear workflow. Better Color Management integration with Blender.
- Fixes to Volumetrics and their inclusion in the Recursive Raytracing process so now they are correctly reflected and refracted like other objects, which fixes an old problem when mixing transparent objects with volumes.
- Fixed some artifacts with bump mapping.
New per-material "visibility" parameter that allows fully visible materials, materials without shadows, materials "shadow only" and fully invisible materials.
New per-light enable/disable function and "cast shadows" option, so we can choose if we want each light to cast shadows or not.
Other fixes for white dots, and other issues.
More detailed information and download links here. As an experimental version, it could have new and unexpected issues so please let us know if you have any problems. Use the thread linked above and/or the bugtracker to report problems and issues.
It's great to see new Yafaray development. It is my go-to renderer when I want for example things like caustics rendered in a reasonable time frame. It is very configurable and nicely integrated in Blender.
Thanks for the release!
Hey, YafaRay! Nice to see it still has some life!
Wow, it's been years since I've used it, but man, I had some good times using it, back in the day. Loved the ease of use it had.
Here's hoping for more YafaRay growth! As I often say, You just can't have too many renderers! lol
Thank you for spreading the news! :-)
I'm already working on the future YafaRay-E 2.0.0, if you want to see some of the new features it will have please watch this:
I hope you find it interesting.