Learn how to create your own Blender add-on with this tutorial.
Michel Anders (varkenvarken) writes:
I recently wrote a tutorial on Blender add-ons and after some discussions with my publisher I decided to put it on the web so everybody may benefit from it. It takes the reader from very simple beginnings to a full blown add-on to create l-system objects and covers the all the basics and some things not often encountered in add-ons as well, like adding properties on the fly. The source code for all examples is available under a GPL as well.
Comments & questions are welcome of course.
Thank you! I need a lot tutorials like this...
Wow thank you so much. I really also appreciate when people educate in the realm of programming. Such a rare thing sadly. Thank you thank you thank you!
A good tutorial and a nice addon to boot!
Thank you very much, Michel.
Perfect timing! I'll be giving this a watch this evening. I just completed a python script that the community might find useful, but its currently the meat and potatoes algorithm with no consideration of user experience. Hoping this tut helps me figure out how to package it for presentation. :)
there is a script called creaprim.py it does exactly that,just type in a name and enable it in preferences and there it is a brand spankin new primative.works great,even tryied it on a high poly mesh from poser.no more searching old blend files for the model of "x" you made 3 years ago. freackin amazing. the blender community is the best thing since sliced bread. wohoooo.sorry to much coffee.:)
by the way you can pick up this script in the py scripts contrib. section of the extensions project page.or at"http:www.ewocprojects.be/creaprim.htm.happy blending