The homepage of the Blender documentation wiki has received a wonderful cleanup, making it much easier for new users to use. Great job, guys!
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About the Author
Bart Veldhuizen
I have a LONG history with Blender - I wrote some of the earliest Blender tutorials, worked for Not a Number and helped run the crowdfunding campaign that open sourced Blender (the first one on the internet!). I founded BlenderNation in 2006 and have been editing it every single day since then ;-) I also run the Blender Artists forum and I'm Head of Community at Sketchfab.
Been watching the work on the new wiki as it's been going on. Well done everyone, it looks stunning and is a joy to use .
Please keep it free of all the old build examples where possible I'd say. That's one thing that really frustrated me with the old one.
a little more color would be nicer i guess
but it is simpler and faster to get where you need !
happy 2.6
It doesn't fit well on 1024x768 res screen..
Yes, it sucks. There's also WAY too much white space on my 2560x1440 screen!
Same here on 1440x900, Google Chrome, Linux Mint 11. (if I zoom out the page, it's ok, but letters are too tiny)
anyway, good job
Will look into that.
Very nice, feels more organized. :)
Also I agree with @fb47db2051778c7c9528817193d742cc:disqus ... the color is a little too dull. It should've used the logo's orange-white-blue color scheme... more or less...
Feel free to submit a color mockup.
Color mockup is ... Isn't this a content management upgrade rather than a style one? So everything should feel the same as before but have the added benfeit of the changes made.
Old timers will know they are looking at the right pages, n00bs will notice it's the same as the blender website and therefore official ... don't forget that users quite often arrive from google searches and this is an important but overlooked factor.
All sites should be themed together so that the user's experience is seamless. theme doesn't allow 3 columns to have navtree + content + table of contents, and it is dark.
Many people complained about the dark theme for the manual and I agree it was fatiguing for the eyes. Hopefully soon will get a rework anyway.
What are you talking about? Columns are irrelevant!!! Do you know what CSS is? Manual pages and site them are 2 different things. Grey and blue is more faatiguing for me, what's more, it's deeply depressing.
Jiggles100 you are welcome to fill in joyfull and stunning text, making people forget the grey and white but to love reading your content. The wiki needs many people updating the most important thing, instead of starting debating color and columns - up-to-date content. Feel free to join the team.
How do we contribute?
CSS is indeed used for column placement, not just color and font definitions. Columns are in no way irrelevant to CSS.
The C stands for Cascading!!! So it is still irrelevant, you can define style without specifying layout and simply inherit as you go ... so many "experts" here, yet no-one making any contribution other than flame opinion. The point is, branding, not your uneducated interpretation of technology FFS.
I didn't see anybody flaming here, I think you may be reading too much into things. For what it's worth, we're all hip to how and for what Cascading Style Sheets are used, but since none of us can read the developers' minds regarding their decisions or future plans, it's doubtful that lecturing them on technical points would be all that useful or productive. Take 'er easy.
another thing here
the bottom left part addons!
ok should be more like Ptyhon ./ addons
the API reference is there but it's not an addons!
and for color i mean we are on HD so should have some nice HD pic like we see here on top of page
at least it would look better and more modern
but i know that it would also increase qty data for download
so should be able to find some sort of a compromise
happy 2.6
It looks okay, but what they need is more content. When I look through the tutorials section, none of the links are active. What's the point of listing something if you can't click on it?
It shall show you that this is needed. The wiki needs people interested to contribute. You are welcome to offer thousands of readers tutorials, which they can click and which will help them to understand a topic better.
great job cleaning it up! It looks really nice, and most of all uncluttered.
keep up the great work!
Echo Roofoo - content would be good. Period
Looks awesome!
Compliments to Mindrones and the wiki crew on the huge amount of work they did organizing and beating the old wiki into its new shape to match New Blender. Let's be thankful for this useful resource and I will try to keep my thoughts about "whiny little bitches" to myself. Good work, guys!
Great work dudes! And don't listen to all those yellers. For everyone wanting more content in it, feel free to register and add the content. This is still a community project and needs your help.
Many links don't work, such as the ones under Tutorials -> Modelling
Funny how some people seem to think of constructive criticism as a negative thing...
Constructive criticism is entering #blenderwiki and have a good chat together, and start working on wiki contents, and find time, strength, focus, to keep up! :)
Yes, it would be great if one can take that further... ;)
It's good. But I could use a way to download the whole manual in one go, recursively following hyperlinks or something. Is there a way to do that? The computer on which I use blender doesn't have an internet connection (and the computer I use for internet access won't allow me to install anything (windows XP), so I need either a webpage that will allow me to do this, or a portable app that I can run from a memory stick. )
Can anyone help!???
If you look at the 2.4 manual page you will find that it is available for download in many formats such as PDF (
Unfortunately 2.5 and 2.6 are unavailable as yet (to the best of my knowledge).
UPDATE: Not sure if that link is valid still .. you may be able to find it as a torrent somewhere
Marco Ardito is doing a great work on it, but for 2.5/2.6 first we need to put the manua lin good shape! More on this soon :) Follow us on twitter too! The tag is #blenderwiki:!/search/%23blenderwiki
Hi. It looks very good. But i can not select Turkish lang.