A computer club in Baton Rouge is hosting a recurring Blender workshop - in January alone, they have already planned 5 sessions.
Thomas Eldredge wrote:
The Baton Rouge Cajun Clickers Computer Club (CCCC) is hosting recurring Blender workshops developed and taught by Thomas Eldredge (teldredge). These workshops
are aimed at introducing the basic functions and capabilities of Blender and bringing students up to an intermediate user level. These classes are taught at the CCCC headquarters in Baton Rouge in a very well equipped computer lab. 'Open labs' are also provided to allow students to work on individual or group projects with help from more advanced users. At present these workshops use Blender 2.49b and focus on basic modeling, materials/textures, lighting, and animation. In the future we will begin offering more advanced classes including scripting and using the BGE.The classes are free for club members and anyone may register to attend one class for free before signing up with the club (membership is $45/year and includes access to all classes/workshops offered by the club).
More information can be found at http://www.funkboxing.com/blender/blender.html
This is a great deal! Congratulations guys. I wish I were closer.
I live in Baton Rouge.. may drop in and check this out... Few questions though.. I'm a longtime blender user (since 2.3x)... I know a fair amount about how to use the program... is this like an introduction to beginners...? or a place where I can meet local blenderheads as well?
There are a couple of knowledgeable users heading up the project but the classes are mostly for beginning/intermediate users. Though we have 'open workshops' for everyone. The goal of these classes is ultimately to help create a community of blenderheads so if you are interested in teaching a class or offering a workshop, or just getting in touch please drop me a line.
Ok, I shot you an email, it basically says the same thing as here, sorry lol. But so as to let other people ask questions here I'll move to email.