The Libre Graphics Days are local offsprings of the Libre Graphic Meeting. The first one will be in Wellington, New Zealand on January 18th. A call for participation has just been announced.
Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
While Libre Graphics Meeting conference has settled as a four days long event already, there are possibilities to organize multiple smaller events worldwide every year. So it was decided to start a series of events called Libre Graphics Days.
The first Libre Graphics Day will be organized by Inkscape and OpenICC developer Jon A. Cruz and held at on January 18, 2010. Location: Wellington, New Zealand.
If you are active user or developer of free/libre graphics tool living close to the location of the event, please get involved and submit a proposal till September 25.
And in New Zealand :D
Lets get involved NZ this is good.
Also visit to help start up the community :)
(just fill in a form)
I honestly wish something like tis could be held in SA.
SA is...?
my guess is that SA stands for South Africa, i m not sure tho the letters it would make sense :)