The Blender 2.46 RC4 has been released, only for windows. Along with the RC4 release, a message posted at the weekly meeting from the Blender developers, report a one week delay until the final release.
If you want to read the report, visit this link and here is a link to the ToDo list for Blender 2.46, the developers still have a bit of work to do.
To download Blender 2.46 RC4 (windows only), visit this link. We will have to wait just a bit more for the stable release!
this is awesome. Blender is getting better in leaps and bounds. It will take over the world soon.
the windows rc4 was just a fixed rc3 - there is no actual rc4...
@LetterRip: eh, and RC3 was a fixed version of RC2, right? :) I don't think I get your point..
@Bart, assuming the beta RC's in accordance with the B-con release schedule on the blender website, then only bugfixes get into to the aplication and Nothing new,
thus creating a non-existent RC-4, rather just a fixed RC3.
Can't be long until the final release now either...
@ LetterRip
all release candidates are fixed versions of their previous release candidates.....
@ Bart
very intelligently said....
@ blender=maya times by 100
we cant be too sure of that right now....
animation industry is growing at a very fast pace in india....and hardly anyone knows about blender here...there are very few users who have been using blender seriously enough....
we cant only develop blender...we also gotta spread its use....
blender does need some serious advertising on internet.......
Wow, i think they go fast... i early download the rc3 now i gonna download rc4... amazing team work :D
Anyone that says Blender=Maya times 100 is looking at the wrong side of the railroad track.
this has been up for a few days now... hardly news or very relevant a newsarticle so close to release.
@Ankit Pruthi
Isn't everything growing at a very fast pace in India?
Thanks always.
By the way, toon edge rendering seems to be bad as compared to 2.45.
Yeah!2.46 is coming!
so many new Amazing features again!
WOW...what a Development!
"Continious Physics" is so Cool to play!
not everything is growing at a fast the way discussing developement of other things in india is irrelevant here.......
What LetterRip is saying is that the RC4 is almost the same as the RC3 on the other platforms. It's just using different OpenEXR libraries, because it was compiled with a different (newer) version of the compiler and had crashing issue because of that. Maybe one or two bugfixes slipped in, but otherwise should be almost identical to the other RC3.
blenderplayer.exe does not work that well here! The blenderplayer.exe is acting a bit weird. I added all the files it needs to run by itself but it cries about a missing ‘line’ in avcodec-51.dll (mpa_decode_header).
I must agree with this relase there were some odd things in RC2 that kept me from using it too often and RC3 rocks but the mouse-zoom was a pain in the ass i had to do a "/" and then a edit mode, and it would some times fix my opinion RC1 was great but lacked some real new features(to the untrained eye) RC2 was a bug nightmare for me...RC3 rocked inside and out..iam gonna dip my big toe into RC4 and see how it goes...good luck DEV team we can all wait ^_^
Nice and downloading .
I think you there don't know but..
The object placement my add a new object its is
not add from the users view no more ...
that are need to rotate and all ...
by example ,if you place a camera in front of the main
default cude ,it's placa with the face down and to by
my "user view" ... what happen to this function ??
Lucas Da Costa Dantas:
This is a user preference. To change it to the old behavior, pull down the User Preferences Window, go to Edit Methods, and enable Aligned to View. You can also enable an automatic switch to Edit Mode.
@Vassilios Boucer: What is "continuous physics"?
This is a new Option in the Timeline in the Playback menue (on top) if you enable "Continious Physics"and press the Play button in Timeline .... makes it possible to interact with the physics system by moving collisions objects, shaking a softbody object, etc.
for more Info here:
there is also a great Example Blend file.
cool ,it's almost there
USE RC4 WITH EXTREME CAUTION!!! USE RC4 WITH EXTREME CAUTION!!! There are many bugs in RC4 especially with particle systems and scenes with high face counts. DO NOT 2.46, stay with 2.45 - it will mess up your blender file if you open in 2.46 and you have particle systems. You won't be able to render - just crash and crash and crash.
USE RC4 WITH EXTREME CAUTION!!! USE RC4 WITH EXTREME CAUTION!!! There are many bugs in RC4 especially with particle systems and scenes with high face counts. DO NOT USE 2.46, stay with 2.45 - it will mess up your blender file if you open in 2.46 and you have particle systems. You won't be able to render - just crash and crash and crash.
Why is there not 64-bit version of Blender for Windows?
artistic_kelly, i don't know how works the particles in 2.46 RC
But in two PC the 2.46 RC compiled in each PC on Kubuntu 8.04 works more slowly (almost the double) when I render the 'default' scene (cube, lamp).
Render without OSA using the same .blend file:
Pentium 4 HT 3.0 Ghz, 1 GB Ram, Kubuntu 8.04
-Render with Blender 2.46 5/5/2008
Render with Blender from repository Kubuntu:
AMD Duron 1 Ghz, 512 MB Ram, Kubuntu 8.04
-Render with Blender 2.46 5/5/2008
Render with Blender from repository Kubuntu:
I want to try with a compilation from
¿¿So who knows why RC is more slowly in this case??
Thanks Vassilios!
Why is there not 64-bit version of Blender for Windows?
This same question i have ask before and the reply was,perhaps is in the new 2.50 reversion of blender.
know this that developers are open source enthusiast whom enjoy the freedom to create new avenue of
software development.And I fully support the their version.window is not bad ,but is too restricted of it use.
I m going full Ubuntu 64 system when 2.46 release and 2.50 release.
Every time I launch Blender3D my nipples get hard!! And now with 2.46?? They will be sore for a week.
Go Blender Team!
I noticed this a while back, and posted it on the RC3 article here.
I believe one reason for no x64 windows version is that for some reason we are dependent on Apple Quicktime which is 32 bit only; though the last time I looked at this was quite awhile ago.
Yes !!! Egan you right .
Iwas want to know how can i save my User Preferences ..
The Align to View
Enable All Codecs
and Lights
Thanks .
Funny. They announce this RC windows-only and all the windows users are complaining about no 64 bit version.
Once it's ready for use, they will be immediately available for 5 platforms superior to win32, one of which will be win64.
Calling that continous physics is unproper. Continous Physics is a way of physics implementation, where calculations are based on in between frames movement (on vectors, not only postions). Most physics systems of today still aren't continous.
So it's wrong to call some option that only makes usage of physics module continous - a "continous physics".
Muahahahahaha! Those Linux loser users don't get rc4 yet! hahahaha, losers.
Some people are really strange...
tried it, and the script properties window key N in the sequencer is missing ???
im ok with a win 32 version as its the widemost spread os. therest will no doubtly follow.
I keep getting a timeout trying to get to the download there a problem?