The Blender Material Repository has its one-year anniversary coming up and they plan to celebrate it with a contest!
Christian Engel, owner of the Blender Material Repository, writes:
...on May 3rd, the Blender Material Repository has it's first anniversary.
Under all submitted Materials with a rating of 6+ there will be randomly chosen two materials from two different users and this users will get a shirt or a mousepad. This means: the more materials you have submitted, the higher is your chance to win either the shirt or the pad!
For more details and to submit your materials visit the Blender Material Repository.
Good idea! it's a great resource and this will make the whole thing even better!
I Have to admit, That mouse pad is pretty awesome!!
Excuse me for partly abusing this forum...
Do others also get "500 - Internal Server Error" when trying to visit
I have this phenomenon the last couple of days quite often so to say...
About the Blender Material Repository:
As I visited in the beginning and as it is right now, the goal isn't to download all materials at once but to get it at the time of need... This does require internet where you work(3D), which I don't have...
So if there's a change to download packages in the future and the other hand, I have bad experiences with materials from others...besides I find it not too hard to make a material myself, materials from other which are made in a different scale are useless until you try to re-scale them to match an also have to do this for all textures used in a material...
Of course I find the idea, purpose and goal great!
Thats an awesome mousepad!! I want one badly
Happy Anniversary!
Hmm, this is something to seriously consider.
Yes, it is great, but all the downloads are in .blend files!? Is there a pic link?
@NielsBlender-I get the same thing also, Most everyone does. It is high-traffic on the website because of Big-Buck Bunny. Read more Here.
Of course all the download are in Blend-Files... What format else? Oo
What do you mean with a "pic link"?