It`s that time of the year again, the Google Summer of Code 2008 is on! And of course Blender will probably be there, with more great projects.
There is already a page at the Blender Wiki that gathers all information and ideas for projects. Go there to check out the list of ideas!
This year another tool may have a project submitted to SoC aswell, which may interest a lot of Blender users. It`s YafRay! They will try to submit a project too, and one of the ideas is -> Better Yaf(a)Ray integration in Blender! If you want to know more about the participation of YafRay, visit this page.
Chris Want, who will be coordinating the effort on behalf of the Blender Foundation, writes:
I have some great news to pass on to your Blendernation readers: we have just received notice from Google that Blender will participate in the 2008 Summer of Code program! Students who would like to write code for Blender this summer can apply between March 24-31, 2008 at Google's Summer of Code website.
The Blender project "ideas page" has important information for students who would like to apply, and can be found here.
Students should note that while the ideas page provides some worthwhile project suggestions, we often find that the most exciting and successful Summer of Code contributions have been from projects that students have devised themselves.
We also have an application template that we would like students to follow when applying.
More information about Google's Summer of Code program, including deadlines and eligibility requirements, can be found in the Summer of Code FAQs.
Here's to another great summer!
I hope that Freestyle Renderer might be up for it again. I was really thinking that project would have been chosen last year.
Though it might not be as important to so many as realistic rendering, I think it fills a need that might set blender apart somehow even more between the other tools. Plus the opportunites with that kind of rendering for architectural, and non-realistic (drawing style) are certainly bountiful.
I Love Blender and Google :)
I would love to see FreeStyle be integrated.
FreeStyle will be fairly easy to integrate once the new Render API is there. Won't get accepted because the coders don't want another integration like yafray.
Maybe a function like XSI's Gator would be cool.
Apricot is also looking for something simelar with UVs.
Yes, now with the SVG export capabilities of Blender, FreeStyle is a must have.
Blender 2.5 todo list
* opengl-free selection code (objects, points, wires, faces, etc)
.....this sounds like a step into direction to drop an old problem over board!?!?!
Hip,Hipp - Hurray!
Try everything and find what works. You've proved that with this post.