The University of Barcelona is hosting a five-day basic Blender workshop. Students of the university can earn two study points by following this class, which should make some of you out there envious ;-)
Raimon writes:
I'm writing to let know about a Blender workshop that will take place 23, 24, 28, 29 and 30 of the current month in Barcelona. Laboratori Mèdia of the Fine Arts Faculty in the University of Barcelona will house this workshop. Is an introductory course (20 hours) where I will cover basic aspects about blender interface, modelling, lighting&materials and render. The course is taught in catalan.
More info on the Lab Media website.
There's place for 12 students, price is €90,-.
1 Comment
The City Barcelona, or the planet Barcelona?
In Doctor Who, the planet Barcelona has dogs with no noses.
Either way, too far for me to travel, but I wish I could come!