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New Forum for Blender Foundation Open Projects


New ForumA new forum is available on, for discussing the Blender Foundation Open Projects. There is already some interesting info there, like a message from Ton, explaining the reasons to choose Crystal Space for the Apricot project.

If you want to check out the new forum, visit this link. The is back online, so you probably won`t have any problems to access the new forum.


  1. Heh, this is kind of old news...

    By the way, I think Blenderartists should use the same theme as the forums. The current theme for BA, no offense to those who created it, is TERRIBLE. Especially for small monitors, even 1024x768. It scrolls to the right without anything being there. And it looks terrible, too. It is NOT user friendly. You have to KNOW it to USE it. And that scares some people away, since they're used to normal forums.

    For one thing, all the text looks the same, with links bolded. Links should be blue and underlined!

  2. Hi Tynach,

    Amen to that - Blenderartists forum is a usability nightmare - too much white, not enough visible structure and I agree that the links should be underlined.


  3. @Tynach

    They probably figured that Blender users would feel right at home with a user interface that you have to learn how to use. XD

    Although seriously the difference is that Blender's uniqueness has very distinct advantages.

  4. One of these days has come a site about [url=]rod stewart nose billy gaff gutter elton john clothes[/url] . What for such resources become? Has understood nothing.

  5. Hello im having troubles getting a texture on a cube
    I select the cube hit edit mode go to uv image editor choose my image and it works on some cubes but not others
    im doing the same thing to an identical object. what's up?
    at the bottom of the uv editor page i get ( view. select. image. UVs ) when it works and ( view, image ) when it doesn't
    anybody know why this is?

  6. медикоментная аллергия диетакак похудеть по домашним пецептамконтрацептивы и лишний веспомогла похудеть матрица стройностьочищение организма и похудение в домашних условияхфранцузский препарат похудениедиета при реактивномповышенное содержание холестирина в крови диетабаня как способ похудетьдиета при ревматоидном полиартритедиета как потолстетьгде купить пищевые отруби диетическиеправильное питание и грудное вкармливаниедиетические низкоколлорийные рецептыкак употреблять гербалайф чтобы похудеть быстрокофе для похудения минсьоркак сбросить лишний вес ребенку 9 - 10 леткремлевская диета кефиркабинет для похудениякто на сколько похудел на кремлёвской диете

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