Byron Kindig reports on the Blender classes that were recently held in Kingsport, Tenessee. He writes:
We had a great group of people attend. I put up a short page about last Saturday's class at the Renaissance Center. Also the Kingsport Art Guild has approved more classes for January, February, and March. They will be weekly classes on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30. I should have more information about these classes soon.
Once again, this class was awesome! We had people from quite a long way off -- one group from near Atlanta (about 5 hours) and one from New Orleans!!
Thanks for the efforts, Byron!
hmm.... Maybe I could come to the next ones. I couldn't come to the last one due school/fll meetings but the fll stuff ends in December.
How wonderful!
Makes me miss living in TN, even.
This is great stuff. Wish we had something like this in England somewhere. Our UK site is sadly not very busy :(
Thank you Byron for this wonderful class!
Byron is a really good instructor, he showed me quite a lot of things... I suggest this class to anyone who wants to learn Blender.
Yikes, my photo on BlenderNation. What's the world coming to? (I'm the hair-challenged guy second from the right, next to my son.)